May: Revenge of the Fifth! {Aedile Report #3}


May: Revenge of the Fifth! {Aedile Report #3}



Hello my Crazies! Happy Revenge of the Fifth, as well as Cinco De Mayo! Lots of information to cover for this report. First of all, I’d like to share some news with you! Prepare for self advertisement... If you’d like to tune into my personal show Nerdy News that I do at work on my radio station, [here’s the link - Log in to view join link]. It just hit its 100th episode! Okay now lets get to it...


Competition Results



Full Results

Escape the Prison Flash Game

Spot the Kushiban Easter Egg Puzzle

MEME Your Own Business Graphics


Friends Close, Enemies Closer Trivia

Remember What You Lost Trivia



  • Xantros was awarded a Grand Cross, 3 Crescent with a Sapphire Star, 1 Crescent with an Emerald Star, 1 Crescent with an Amethyst Star, 13 Clusters of Ice, 15 Clusters of Earth.

  • Braecen Kaeth was awarded 1 Crescent with an Amethyst Star, 1 Crescent with a Quartz Star, 371 Clusters of Fire, 2 Clusters of Earth, 9 Clusters of Ice, 11 Clusters of Graphite,

  • Rasilvenaira Isatri’Zara StormRaven was ranked in the top ten PVP gamers of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, was awarded 2 Crescents with an Amethyst, 3 Crescents with an Emerald Star, 1 Crescent with a Ruby Star, 1 Crescent with a Quartz Star, 482 Clusters of Fire, 8 Clusters of Ice, 61 Clusters of Earth,1 Pendant of Blood, 4 Clusters of Graphite.

  • Levi Zetta / Kylex has received a Seal of Loyalty and was awarded 1 Crescent with a Sapphire Star, 2 Crescents with an Emerald Star, 2 Crescents with a Topaz Star, 8 Clusters of Ice, 6 Clusters of Graphite.

  • Shadow Nighthunter was awarded a Steel Cross, 3 Crescents with an Amethyst Star, 3 Crescents with an Emerald Star, 1 Crescent with a Ruby Star, 2 Crescents with a Topaz Star, 4 Clusters of Ice, 7 Clusters of Graphite, 5 Clusters of Earth.

  • Porticus was awarded 4 Crescents with an Amethyst Star, 22 Clusters of Fire, and 101 Clusters of Earth.

  • Chrome was awarded 3 Crescents with a Sapphire Star, 5 Crescents with an Amethyst Star, 2 Crescents with an Emerald Star, 1 Crescent with a Topaz Star, and 147 Clusters of Earth.

  • Zehsaa Hysh was awarded 3 Crescents with a Sapphire Star, 1 Crescent with a Topaz Star, 6 Clusters of Graphite.

  • Brandon Tarsus was awarded 1 Crescent with an Emerald Star, 1 Crescent with a Quartz Star, 6 Clusters of Ice, 2 Clusters of Graphite

  • Antonai 'PaRapRappa' Lanfear was promoted from Knight to Mystic, awarded 3 Crescents with a Sapphire Star, 3 Crescents with an Amethyst Star, 4 Crescents with Emerald Star, 1 Crescent with a Ruby Star, 1 Crescent with a Topaz Star,54 Clusters of Fire

  • Xan Phraz-Etar was awarded 2 Crescents with a Sapphire Star and 75 Clusters of Fire, and 25 Clusters of Earth.

  • Jorm (The Jester) Na’trej has been appointed a Palpatine and was awarded 1 Crescent with a Topaz Star and 5 Clusters of Earth.

  • Katyusha Neige was awarded 2 Crescents with an Emerald Star, and 2 Clusters of Graphite.

  • Bale Andros was awarded 1 Crescent with Ruby Star, and 7 Clusters of Ice.

  • Derek Cinn was awarded 10 Clusters of Earth

  • Koryn Thraagus has been appointed a Palpatine and was awarded 2 Crescents with Emerald Star, 1 Crescent with a Topaz Star, and a Legion of the Scholar.

  • Lucyeth has been appointed a Palpatine.

  • Mune Kitsune has received a Seal of Loyalty.

  • Also a great big welcome to some of our new members: Waghabond and James Malum! :D Happy you’re here with us. Welcome to the family!



Upcoming Competitions

May Competitions

May 8th - 22nd:

May 15th - 31st

Gaming Comps

Fiction Comps

CSP Comps

SA Course Standings This past month, Braecen Kaeth and Lexiconus Qor paired up for a Society Focus Competition focusing on the Shadow Academy. I gathered this information to see how we did!


1st Place Winner - Savant Alara Deathbane

2nd Place Winner - James Malum

3rd Place Winner - Shadow Nighthunter

Abstract Arts Series It has been absolutely magnificent to see so many people stepping out of their comfort zones to discover new-found love for abstract arts through these competitions! Let's take a look at the submissions:


First Place in both Competitions: Shadow Nighthunter

Second Place in both Competitions: Dek Ironius II

Third Place in both Competitions: Kylex

Emotion Series: Fear & Emotion Series: Sorrow


Ways of the Force: The Light Side

First Place: Vanguard Korroth

Second Place: Shadow Nighthunter

Third Place: Savant Firith'rar

These competitions are coming up as well!

Ways of the Force: The Grey

Ways of the Force: The Dark Side


Special Tacitus Athanasius Announcement

The top members for competitions last month in our wonderful battle team were Koryn Thraagus and Privateer Chrome! In light of this, we are offering a reward to them with the choice of the following:

  • Personal character logo design
  • Personal signature design
  • Painting by Alara Deathbane
  • Sticker Set on Telegram

Congratulations Koryn and Chrome! Let me know which you prefer and we will get to it asap :)

To those of you who are jealous... Let's see who has the highest participation rates next month ;)


Ask Alara

Katyusha Neige asks… Will you make me good at JA?

I would love to give you pointers. Anytime anyone would like some personal mentoring on any topic whatsoever (gaming, fiction, art, scapegoating), please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m your friend and I’m here to help.

Can we get a new record player when we get a new base?

Sure thing! ^.^

What would your tusked cat do if she came across my eye snatcher bird?

Artemis would lick her lips and look for permission from me. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t give it.

Do you know what TIME it is?


Rosh Nyine asks… Who’s the most handsome guy in Excidium?

Well I technically have to say Jorm because of #reasons, but you’re good looking rest assured. We have plenty of great looking Force and Non-Force users in our group. Yay for selfies! (I’m not a stalker I swear)

James Malum asks… How long have you been in the DJB? What’s your favorite part about it?

I’ve been in the DJB for just over a year now… (officially a year in November). My favorite part of the Brotherhood would have to be the support. These friends I have gained through our beloved site have been with me through thick and thin when people IRL weren’t for me. They always challenge me to be a better me, and they’re always encouraging me to try something new and surprise myself with my capabilities. It inspires me to follow in their footsteps and provide this help to others through my new-found role. Love every single one of you so much more than you know.

Who shot first?


Xan Phraz-Etar asks… Would you prefer your skooma in a white, blue, barbie pink, or yellow sock?

Hmmm… I’m stuck between white or blue. Barbie pink makes me want to hiss at my childhood. Yellow makes me think about all the times I’ve stepped in urine.

Levi/Kylex ssks… What’s your favorite beverage?

It used to be jones. Now I guess it’s rum ^.^

What is our Aedile going to do for the future of our clan in character?

Well currently Alara has been scavenging the galaxy trying to find a new system for the clan. Once we get on the planet, Alara will be aiding Braeden with organization and restructuring/planning House facilities and training grounds.

Does it involve ripping up Xantros again?

Only if he gets in my way.

Spell ICUP out loud.

Nice try kiddo ;)

Chrome “asks”... No question. Just a statement: sing more. ;)

Yep fair enough. feels bad about all the things she’s supposed to do. Like a youtube channel.


In Summary



In Closing

Can I just say a quick...


Last month you did amazingly, and this month you did AWESOMELY!! Where some areas may have been lacking, there are several places, as evidenced by these charts above, that you guys are advancing to the stars. I’m so so proud of every single one of you. I know I said it before, but seriously. WOW!

The GJW may take a bit longer than we all had hoped, but you guys are keeping spirits alive and ready by promoting, submitting, and uniting as a House! You never cease to amaze me. <3

Don’t forget! A special system update from our wonderful Xenimax is coming soon! Keep your eyes out for it. Here’s a sneak peek at his last report.

I would also like to say that it’s been fantastic playing with those of you who have recently downloading Jedi Academy. Personal thanks to those who gave me tips and tricks on the art! These social nights that Braecen is planning for us will be perfect times to unite together further as not only clan members but also family members. I encourage everyone who is available to take part. If you need a particular game or program, don’t hesitate to contact myself or Braecen.


Great report Alara, thanks for the welcoming!

Awesome report alara!

Now we know why the rum is gone! Awesome report Alara!

Good report!

Fantastic work from our Battle Team Tacitus Athanasius as they continue to dominate! Very excited to see the continued progress of our House under the guidance of Alara Deathbane and Shadow Nighthunter. Keep up the great work, ladies.

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