Quaestor Report #7: Kel Rasha Event Kickoff!


Quaestor Report #7: Kel Rasha Event Kickoff!


Greetings fellow Dakhani! Welcome to the long awaited report for the kickoff of the “Leadership for Kel Rasha” event! I know the title isn’t very creative, but I hope I can make up for that with the second fiction installment and the comps you will be doing for the next five weeks!

Kel Rasha
34 ABY

“So who are you voting for?” Lilith asked Jades as both Dakhani curiously viewed the many posters that littered the walls of the spaceport.

“A face you can trust to make Kel Rasha great again, Traveler for Mayor,”Jades murmured as she took a closer look at one of the posters before tearing it off the wall. Looking directly at Lilith with deep piercing purple eyes, she rolled it up and stuck it inside her robes.

“Now you know,” the Daughter of Sadow whispered, flashing her fangs, before strolling up to the main group that had arrived at the spaceport. The hybrid had been one of many that answered the Quaestor’s call. Lilith felt slightly unnerved by the reclusive Battlelord, but quickly followed Jades back to the group.

Journeymen, Equites and even an Elder had made their way to Kel Rasha. Everyone who believed that this election was important for the city was present. In order to ensure that no foul play arose during the elections, Locke Sonjie, Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar and the new Rollmaster, Darius Tu’kul, had made their way to the city in a discreet and quiet manner.

“Atra and Darkblade have done well to turn Kel Rasha into something more than what I can remember when I lived here not too long ago,” the Consul whispered to Sanguinius.

The Jedi favored the comment with a slight nod as he looked over the members who had answered the call.

Malik Sadow, the ancient Neti, had been one of the last to arrive. Although a surprise to many, he was greeted with great respect. His black robes clung to his humanoid form, emphasizing the Sorcerer’s lean figure. The Jedi’s eyes held secrets that only he could know throughout his extremely long lifetime. As Sang and Malik made eye contact, they gave each other a respectful nod.

Scanning the rest of the crowd he saw Mactire and Scarlet off to the side. Although they were whispering to each other, their voices too low to be understood. As Mactire shifted his body to better wrap his coat around him, the Sapphire Squadron emblem could be clearly seen on the coats’ left shoulder.

Aul Celsus stood in the center of the group, which had formed a circle around him as he tried to gather everyone’s attention.

Read the rest of the fiction here!

Run-On kickoff!

Saturday I made the teams for the people who had signed up!

I would like to remind people that you can still sign up and participate at anytime throughout the next 5 weeks! Email or PM me on Telegram and I will assign you to your chosen team asap!

As of now the current teams look like this:

Team Maya Nikeisha

Malik Sadow

Locke Sonjie

Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind

Scarlet Agna

Mactire Team Captain

Team The Traveler

Jades A Sadow Team Captain

Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar

Aul Celsus

Aexod Burgoo

Darius Tu'kul

Click on your Mayor’s name and it will magically teleport you to the Discourse forum where your thread has been created for the Run-On! Clicking here will bring you to the competition where you can sign up for the Run-On!

Locke, Sang and Darius are just participants and are here for fun only. They are not leaders, coordinators or Team Captains for this particular event!

Please don’t forget to sign up! If your team wins but you didn’t sign up you will be left out of the placement!

Team Captain

As a reminder, Team Captains are members who agreed to help encourage and push their team to participate in the event. Both team Captains have agreed to the role and have promised to cheerlead their team to participate to their best ability!

Team Captain has no fictional role. This is purely out of character and these members have elected to spend some of their time in guiding and encouraging you to have fun, coordinating the Run-On with their team and to stimulate you to give it your best shot!

Reminder: Locke, Sang and Darius are just participants and are here for fun only. They are not leaders, coordinators or Team Captains for this particular event!

Week 1 Competition

We will start week one with a flash game. As soon as the event starts (on the 5th of September DJB site time) head on over to the competition page and subscribe to get the link to the game which can be played in your browser! I hope you enjoy this week's humorous flash game!

The schedule

Below you can find the schedule for the next five weeks. Comps will begin on a Monday and end on that same week's Sunday night.

Week 2: Cryptography
12-09-2016 to 18-09-2016

Bonus Objective: If every team member submits the right answer, their team receives bonus votes.

Week 3: Gaming
19-09-2016 to 25-09-2016

Bonus: If every team member enters and scores at least xx points, their team receives bonus votes.

Week 4: Fiction
26-09-2016 to 02-10-2016

Bonus objective: If each team member writes more than xx words their team receives bonus votes.

Week 5:Graphics
03-10-2016 to 09-10-2016

Bonus Objective: If every team member submits their team receives bonus votes.

Final Bonus Objective: If every bonus objective is met by the team, they receive bonus votes.

Bonus Objectives??

You may (how could you not) have noticed that there are bonus objectives mentioned after each comp. This is where the fun part comes in and I try my hand at… maths.

Bonus Objectives are extra things you can do during that week's competition to make it more interesting and challenging for yourself and your team. As a single person who completes a Bonus Objective, it will have no impact on the overall score for that week. Your entire team will need to complete the Bonus Objective in order to have it take effect.

Example: Team Maya completes the bonus objective for completing the cryptography event and submitting the correct answer. This means that Malik Sadow, Locke Sonjie, Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind, Scarlet Agna and Mactire submitted the correct answer for that week's competition.

Team The Traveler completes the bonus objective too by having Jades A Sadow, Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, Aul Celsus, Aexod Burgoo and Darius Tu'kul submit the correct answer.

Completing a Bonus Objective allows the team to steal 5% of the other team's total votes, per week, and add it to their own pool.

In the example above, both teams have completed the Bonus Objective. The votes stolen will be calculated after placement has been finalized for that week. So if Team Maya wins 1st and 3rd place and Team Traveler wins 2nd place for Week 2 Cryptography, more votes will be stolen for Team Traveler.

The main idea behind this is to give members a unique and interactive way to change the course of the event throughout the entire five weeks. No team is really a winner until the final week, as anything can happen!

Below you can find the maths for each placement and how I came up with them:

  • 125,000 citizens of Kel Rasha

  • 125.000/5 (weeks) =25k votes earned per week

  • 25k x placement percentage (top 3 placements earn votes)= total votes to be divided by 1st 2nd and 3rd place each week.

1st=45% 11250
2nd= 35% 8750
3rd= 20% 5000

At first I had a 50/30/20 spread, but this would put a leading team out of reach quite early on in the event. So I picked a slightly better scale and believe this to be the better system to use for this event.

Disclaimer: I know that with this calculation we have one extra citizen per week. The total amount at the end of the event will be 125,005 citizens. This is due to rounding up some of the numbers.

So what about the Run-On and Week 1?

Week 1 Bonus Objective will be revealed upon subscription to the competition!

The Run-On Bonus Objective was deliberately left out as there is already a hard requirement in order to just get participation. So in order to make the Run-On more appealing I dropped the Bonus Objective for that.

Time to Vote!

With the event starting in just a few hours, I hope you enjoy the nature of the event and appreciate the effort to try to create a more dynamic, vibrant and impactful environment. Your actions from now on will shape the future of Aeotheran and hopefully continue to do so far into the future!

Good luck fellow Dakhani!

Remember that the event will end on the 9th of October 2016!




Very excited for this! Really excellent fiction.

P.S. I trust you to take care of the math, because I'm way too tired to crunch those numbers right now.

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