Satele Shan Quaestor Report: The one with no spare time for two whole weeks


Satele Shan Quaestor Report: The one with no spare time for two whole weeks

New Tython
Outer Seher
Shan Academy Construction Site
Early Afternoon

The Droid-host of Solari sat at his own, freshly built desk housed in one of the only fully built sections of the Shan academy. The grey fingers on his left toyed with a stylus as he held a datapad in the other consuming the information off of the screen - these actions appeared pleasantly human to those who walked past. Unbeknownst to the Shard, he’d made his actions appear such a way to others, in reality he had been struggling to find information regarding the Sanctuary space-station whilst Solari’s host-body automatically troubleshot it’s motor functions, a precaution taken against the salty sea-spray that sometimes blanketed parts of the Great City.

To the Quaestor’s knowledge, the only Jedi that remained in Seher were Mar Sûl and himself, both House leaders, but they were only here because they had to be, today was meant to be a momentous occasion for the Jedi as they were given representation within the popular assembly of Seher and were to be announced as Citizens of Seher. The day was still momentous, at least in part, all Jedi had been called to defend Sanctuary against the O’reenian threat which is why Solari struggled to find information he needed to know that all was well.

Mar Sûl had been tightening his bracers as he’d entered the room, he swiftly pulled another datapad from his robe and passed it over to his leader.

“You really need to see this” He said, expression cold as ever, “We got a broken transmission from Seridan on Sanctuary.”

There was no image, only audio. most likely due to signal jamming or possibly damage to space-station Solari thought to himself, processing the audio he was hearing, the voice was certainly Seridan's.

“Attack...cont…bzzt...O’ree...forces strong...Jedi reinforcements...other fleet...” Solari looked up from his desk at the Aedile attempting to show confusion, “bzzt...Arcona...unsure...orders” the audio ended abruptly, ominously so.

“If Arcona are really here, I will have to remain and help the Seherob prepare for battle.” Mar stated assuredly.

Solari nodded in agreement “I will go to Menat Ombo immediately and talk with the rest of the Council.”

The Droid easily stood taller than Mar, being well above the average height of almost everyone in Seher wasn’t the only reason the Shard was offered curious glances even now, as Mar walked with him to a shuttle, hosts of Harakoans each gave their own personal twist on a strange stare.

“Let me know if you find anything, Quaestor.” Mar spoke, filling the otherwise quiet air with his voice, “Seher will listen to reason, they will prepare for Siege - it’s not the first time they have fought off Dark Jedi.”

Solari’s mechanical voice whirred into action again “They will attack Menat if they attack anywhere, Seher will most likely be safe, better safe than sorry however!” the Shard had chosen the wrong time to try and sound ‘chirpy’ but at least he was trying to emulate Human conversation. He backed into the shuttle and left for Menat Ombo.

C-C-C-C-Combo breaker

Where the heck have you been?

Yeah, I've got to apologize. I've been solidly busy for the last two weeks straight. Work always seems to have a nasty habit of upping the workload at the most inopportune times, Dark Brotherhood wise.

I won't bore you with what I've been up to, but I would like to give a heartfelt thankyou to Mar for keeping the Good Ship Shan running while I've been tied up. Also for writing the fiction that's been featured in both of our reports.

C-C-C-C-Combo breaker

In my last report we advertised the vacancy of the BTL position in Disciples of Baas. We got a number of good applications and in the end we couldn't decide on just one person. We ended up selecting two awesome members to act as a Battle Team Leader and Sergeant pair.

Seridan and Lu`aisha are that dynamic duo.

(Yes this is old news by now. But that's how awesome these two are.)

C-C-C-C-Combo breaker

There is currently a combo event running between Odan-Urr and Arcona. Go see Times of Change for the specifics.

This is your chance to show what Odan-Urr is made of.

This is your chance to earn some epic shinnies.

This is your chance to prove how (obviously) superior the light side is.

So what are you waiting for, hop to it!

YES. House Shan lads and lasses, get some participation going!

w00t reports

Great report dude :D

Also, participation = good

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