Soulfire Report #1


Soulfire Report #1

Andrelious had been having an incredibly long month. When he had married Kooki, he had expected an easier time of it, but things were not to be that simple.

Within hours of the new Mimosa-Inahj couple making their vows, Marick and Legorii had headed to Antei. This in itself was not unusual, but a rivalry between the two Quaestors, Cethgus and Valtiere, and the di Tenebrous Arconae had developed, and quickly spilled into full on civil war. Many people were killed on both sides before Marick returned and brought the hostilities to a swift end.

At this point, Nadrin Erinos, one of the Arconae, called Andrelious aside during a summit meeting.

“Andrelious. I know you’re Rollmaster, but I’d like you to take over Soulfire. I need some time away from the hot seat,” the younger Warlord stated simply.

“Give up Rollmaster? It’s a big ask, Nadrin, but I always remember the sacrifice your father made back on New Tython. It is for his memory that I will do this,” Andrelious answered, after a little hesitation.


The new Soulfire leader had barely been in command a day when he was presented with the sight of Saskia Ortega, who skulked quietly into his office.

“And what can I do for you?” Andrelious asked, quite rudely.

“I want out of Dark Forge, but I’m prepared to go elsewhere if you don’t want my skills, dad,” Saskia retorted as sharply as his tone.

The Sith nearly fell out of his chair. Saskia had left Soulfire for its rival team shortly after the mission to the Hapes cluster. From the way she had left at the time, Andrelious had assumed that somebody had upset his daughter.

“Well, er, of course you’re welcome back here. But I need to know WHY you’re coming back after what happened. And why you’re leaving Dark Forge,” the ex-Imperial declared, a little more warmly.

“I was forced to Dark Forge, Cethgus made me go,” the Krath stated, looking at the man with a confused look. “And I want to leave Dark Forge because I cannot stand Lexiconus. I feel like the man has a tracker on me so he knows where I am at all times in case I’m needed.”

“Alright. Seeing as you’re family, here’s what I’m going to do. I need someone to help me run this little team. There’s a lot of..varying individuals and I’m not sure I could handle all of them without backup. If I admit you back in, I will ask that you fill this role,” Mimosa-Inahj replied.

“As long as you actually support me and train me for the position, I will fulfill it.”


First of all I would like to thank Cethgus and Atyiru for giving me the chance to work as leader of Soulfire. I’d also like to thank Nadrin for his time as leader. He has certainly left me some very big boots to fill, but I’m ready to rise to the challenge and keep Soulfire among the best teams in the Clan.

Joining us is Saskia, better known to some of you as Xath, who joins us from a brief period in Dark Forge. She will be working with me as my Second-in-command, so congratulations to her on that. I ask all of you to CC her if emailing me on Battleteam matters. Under her guise as Xathia, she has previously been a member of Soulfire for many years, so welcome home, Xath!

With sadness I have to announce that due to my appointment to the position of Battleteam Leader, Kooki has had to transfer out due to nepotism regulations. We all wish her luck in her new assignment over in House Qel-Droma.

Operation:Figurehead recently took place in the clan. I was delighted to see participation from Soulfire in several events, including Nadrin who managed to take a first place in the Hunt The Enemy! I hope to release rewards for recent activity soon, so we’ll hopefully see some shinies in our inboxes soon. Overall in the operation, new Rollmaster Sight took first place, with me second and Meleu rounding off the top three in a dominant performance for the Arconae team! See Wally’s Consul report for the full results.

Currently our Wiki page is being reworked. Saskia has done the lion’s share of the work, so far, but if anyone is interested in helping out, send us an email and we’ll get you involved. :)

There is an ongoing discussion to rename the title of the Soulfire leader, as the previous term, Sergeant, is now used by the website to refer to the team’s Executive Officer. Currently, the term Captain seems to be leading, but there’s still plenty of time to get involved with the discussion.

Finally, Esca, Atyiru and I have planned the basics of a Galeres Run-on! This will be out in the next few days, so keep an eye out, and get ready to get your hands dirty. ;)


Soulfire Anthem - Quick & Easy
Blood and Glory, Round 3 - Fiction
Speed Sporcle Challenge #3 - Quick & Easy
Everybody Hates Chiss - Fiction
Name That Metal! - Quick & Easy
Visions of the Future - Fiction
Celebration Q&A - Quick & Easy
As Begeren Turns - Fiction (winning this one makes your entry DB canon!)
Monthly Mobile Gaming - Mobile Gaming
ACB September 2014 - Antei Contract Bureau
RM Banner Comp - Graphics

There are also various IRC trivias that take place fairly randomly.


Currently working on Soulfire Wiki page. Contact Saskia and myself for further information.

The summit, both of Galeres and Arcona, are always looking for helpers for various projects. This is a very good way to get promotions beyond Dark Jedi Knight, so if you feel you have the time, give Atyiru, Cethgus, Legorii and Marick an email, CCing Saskia and myself.

Awards & Roster Changes

Nadrin: Resigns as BTL

Andrelious: Promoted to BTL

Saskia: Transfers in from Dark Forge, promoted to BTS.

Great Report all full of things and stuff, #Winning

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