Elyon de Neverse

Equite 3, Clan Odan-Urr, Jedi, Consular
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
31599 words in 38 activities
3024 words in 6 posts and 3 activities
12559 words in 16 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 41 - 50 of 59 in total
[CDW][Run-on] Into the Abyss
Textual submission

Manually added by Augur Mune Cinteroph

In The Feels
File submission
Elyon - In the Feels.pdf
Let Us Give Thanks To The Force!
Textual submission

Give my thanks to the Force is now my task,
why i am lighted by her i always ask,
the Force guide my path through the darkness,
thanks of her i am selfless.

Because her bond to me is all my life,
anger or hate is not my stuff,
I am here to help and heal,
thanks to the Force i feel real.

The Force is always around us,
I always have trust,
that she follows good on my path,
but is is only start.

Everything starts and ends,
but the Force alwas stands,
thank you the Force that i am with you,
may the Force be also with you.

Execute Order 66
File submission
Elyon - Execute order 66.docx
Capture the Storm
File submission
Elyon_Capture the Storm.pdf