Malisane Sadow

Elder 1, Clan Naga Sadow, Sith, Dark Jedi
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
141946 words in 61 activities
12396 words in 18 posts and 4 activities
5534 words in 9 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 71 - 74 of 74 in total
[Rebels and Ruins] Calm Yourself
Textual submission

Calm Yourself – Malisane Sadow 6169

Sitting calm and still,
My thoughts of past battles won,
And those that we lost.

Too many kin gone,
Their faces still in my mind,
With me still but not.

A new foe to face,
I find my self wondering,
Does it matter who?

Just another fight,
I will take my blade and kill,
It is all I know.

Not for glory now,
Or for fame, medals or rank,
I fight for Sadow.

And when it is done,
And others cheer, feast and drink,
I will not be there.

Instead I will go,
Until I am needed once more,
To fight for my Clan.

Textual submission

Serves his clan where needed,
Then drinks liquor on the rocks,
Slayer of many foes,
Who invented Sith Ewoks.

[Event] Songs and Merriment
Textual submission

I saw a girl in Sepros,
She stood there at the port,
I tried to make her notice,
My efforts came up short,

So over I went to ask,
"Is this your first time here?"
"The shuttle will be ages,"
"Come join me for a beer."

The lady turned me down flat.
"I'm not that sort of lass!"
"If beer's the best you offer,"
"I think I'd rather pass."

I said "Then name your drink,"
"I'll buy them by the crate!"
She turned to me and smiled,
"Then Sir you've got a date!"