DJB at Star Wars Celebration: Orlando - DAY 1


DJB at Star Wars Celebration: Orlando - DAY 1

Hello yes, this Wally, reporting in from Orlando, Florida after Day 1 at Star Wars Celebration.



Here a few Highlights from Day 1.

Show Floor

Here are some fun pictures from the floor.



Aabs, Wally, Anthony (PaRapa), Braecen, Valhavoc #squad

Dave Feloni & Pablo Hidalgo Panel


This panel was a dream come true. For those that don’t know, Dave Feloni is the creator of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels. He also previously did work on Avatar: The Last Airbender. Pablo Hidalgo is the social face of the Lucas Story Group, responsible for keeping the new Star Wars canon cohesive in terms of lore. Together, they have a natural rapport and shed a lot of light on the creative process they go through when creating episodes. They talked about the concept of bringing Maul back (which was actually George Lucas’ ideas, and Feloni had to figure out how to do it) and the original designs for the character Ahsoka.

Aabs, Braecen, and I had a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun. It was even cooler when an entire ne of characters from both shows showed up.


Join the Fun: Telegram!

  1. Telegram has a cool, unique feature that allows you to create a “Broadcast Group” instead of regular or supergroups. The main difference with Broadcast Groups is that only admins can post to the group effectively minimizing banter and clutter. This is a great way to see photos and videos from the convention without having to sift through active telegram conversations. To follow this Broadcast Group, click here.

  2. If you’re not concerned with banter and dialogue with the members that will be live at the event, feel free to join our regular Telegram Supergroup [here. - Log in to view join link].

Join the Fun: Competitions

We’ll be running a few light and quick competitions during the event. You can check them out under the Parent Competition here.

First up is a series of Caption Contests.

Caption This #1

Val approaches Jabba the Hutt. Submit your captions here

Caption This #2

Aabs encounters a Republic Comando*. Submit your captions here

Caption This #3

Grand Admiral Thrawn, in the flesh! Submit your captions here.

Val and I will be grading these on humor and cleverness, with input from other members in attendance.

Join the Fun: Request Form

  • Use the following Google Form to submit requests for antics or suggestions. This can be anything from me randomly parkouring, to giving a Kylo Ren cosplayer a much needed hug, or pretending to be a real Dark Councilor and Gray Jedi. (Have you heard the Word of Pravus?)

Here are the only two requests that have come in so far.

Dress up as Leia from ANH

If someone buys or gets me the earmuffs, I’ll rock them.

Yell a star trek quote at darth vader and see what he does :D

Game on. Can people give me some Star Trek quotes to use in the comments?

Join the Fun: Orange County Convention Center

  • You can check out the main website for SW Celebration here.

  • You can check out the list of panels here.

We’re here, we’re live, and we hope to share our passion for Star Wars with an entire convention of like minded and potential new members for our organization!

If you’d like to help out at all with social media aspects of this process, join us on Telegram and let us know!

If there ever was a time to join us on Telegram, you can view the various groups here at:


Looking like fun! Awesome to see everyone there.

That's not a Death Trooper, that's a Republic Commando. (Being THAT GUY for a moment)

Hmm, trek quotes to use on Vader.

"Resistance is futile"

"I'm a doctor, not a Rebel"

"There are Four Lights!"

Clearly the only Star Trek quote that needs shouted at a villain: "Khannnnnn!"

This is AWESOME!!! Great to see members nerding out together!!! Wish I could be there!!!

I'll be there Sunday helping out with the FFG room!

So Wally, inquiring minds want to know: did you give a join link to Hondo?

@Teylas - I'm so upset I didn't see this. I will try and yell "Kahn" at some point.

@Arden - sorry, sent with the cliche live long and prosper.

@archen - I wish. Someone please submit a Weequay request though

Looks like you guys are having a ton of fun! Can't wait to see more pictures/updates!

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