Qel-Droma Quaestor Report #2


Qel-Droma Quaestor Report #2

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Qel-Droma report

Here comes another Qel-Droma report hot off the press. There's plenty of stuff to get through, so without further ado:

QD breaker


Fading Light continues with aplomb, 9 Arconans still in the fight for the title, 4 from Qel-Droma. That doesn't mean all of us can sit back and sit on our thumbs. There's plenty for everyone to do, we win and lose as a unit, not individuals.
The Clan Report is out, so make sure to read it and see what our Consul and Proconsul are up to. HSP Aedile applications close tomorrow, so if you're still fence-sitting, better pick a side.
Our Recruitment Tribune is still searching for people to help them with social networking. If you have the savvy to reach out to people and advertise in social media, this will be right up your alley.
The ACB is live now, so everyone is free to request their contracts and compete for the title of Arcona's 'First Blade'. The ACB is a great platform for doing missions you want in the method you want. And I'm not biased by being on the staff. I swear.

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House News

Arete, now led by Celevon, have a new report out, while they battle for glory in the Fading Light tourney. Celevon and myself are also part of the ACB staff, making sure you all have fun pursuing your missions, so if you have any questions about the ACB, make sure to ask us.
We need to update our wiki pages. This would be a concerted effort from multiple members in Qel-Droma to make sure our fictional background reflects where we are. If you're interested in giving back to your House, then send me an email.

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Right, there have been a load of medals over the past month, good on you guys. As there are so many, and I am but a human, forgive me if I miss out the occasional medal, it's not vindictive. I swear.

Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae:

  • 5 Clusters of Fire
  • Crescent with Ruby Star

Alaris Jinn:

  • 32 Clusters of Fire
  • 11 Clusters of Ice
  • Grand Cross of the Dark side

Shi Long:

  • Dark Cross

Nikola Valtiere:

  • Crescent with Emerald Star

Ernodeth Peur-Irae:

  • Grand Cross of the Dark Side
  • Dark Cross

Celevon Endraven:

  • 11 Clusters of Ice
  • 103 Clusters of Fire
  • Crescent with Emerald Star

Vynn Salm:

  • 5 Clusters of Fire

Verse Theris:

  • Crescent with Ruby Star


  • 1 Cluster of Ice
  • 17 Clusters of Fire
  • Crescent with Emerald Star

Congratulations to you all! Keep it up.

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We've also had promos in Qel-Droma, so, without further ado:

  • Nikola Valtiere to Sith Battlemaster

  • Celevon Edraven to Obelisk Prelate

  • Lexiconus to Jedi Hunter

  • Galen 'Osiris' Orillian to Novice

Congratulations to you all, keep reaching for the top!

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No changes in the GMRG so far. Take part in some gaming to get through those ranks!

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  • Meleu transferred in from Plagueis, welcome Meleu!
  • Henry Devilson from the Shadow Academy, welcome Henry!

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Shadow Academy

  • Galen “Osiris” Orillian - Dark Pundit: Vendetta, Dark Pundit: Essentials

  • Lexiconus - Grammar Studies, Leadership Fundamentals, Lightsaber Studies, CoJ I, Philosophy I: Views, Philosophy II: Cults, Obelisk Core, ACC Qualification, Dark Maven: Philosophy

  • Cel2 - Dark Savant: Tactics and Combat

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There are a heap of competitions going on at the moment. The most important one to sign up for is the Fading Light ACC tournament. I know I sound like a broken record, but it’s a doosie of a comp, and the ACC is a great platform. You can find it here. There’s also plenty of other comps thorughout the DB:

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Another Moment with Alaris

I'm working with a director/writer who doesn't understand the term "priority," or even if he does, he doesn't know HOW to prioritize. He brought me onto a project in November and recently told everyone working on this film that he's postponing it due to scheduling conflicts. Which is great. Just freakin' peachy. The part he's NOT telling us, is that he has two other projects he's working on, both of which started after the project he invited me to join. He's now given priority to these other two projects, leaving this one on the wayside. The biggest problem is that the project, which has huge potential, may completely fall apart because people will start dropping from the project like flies for various reasons. The biggest one is: how the hell long do you expect a group of professionals stay in a town this small while you figure stuff out? I can tell you that I likely won't be working with this individual again, and whether or not I stay on this project remains to be seen.

The moral here, my friends, is to not bite off more than you can chew and then follow it up with two more giant bites. A of all, you'll choke to death, and nobody wants to clean up that mess. B of all, you're not just affecting yourself. You're jeopardizing working relationships with other people. People will think that you're unorganized, which you are, and flaky, which you are.

Understand your limit, work within it.

QD breaker

Closing words

The ACC is going on, but that isn't a reason for the rest of us to step back. Communicate. Do you have concerns or ideas? Email me. I'm always thrilled to hear from you guys, I don't have many friends. There's always stuff to be doing, even if it's just helping proof read another person's competition entry. If we all pitch in together, we all get something to be proud of and invested in.


Oh yeah that's how HQD does it! Great report!

Great report! Congrats to all the promotions in HQD!

nice report, so many promos

Nice report, Nikola. I cannot wait to watch round 3!

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