[Arcona] Proconsul February Report


[Arcona] Proconsul February Report



Born Ready


”I don't believe in no devil

'Cause I done raised this hell

I've been the last one standing

When all the giants fell”


Welcome to the second Arconan Proconsul report. Things have begun to settle as we welcome a new member to our Clan and Summit, with Qyreia joining us as the new Quaestor of House Galeres. We have also seen Timeros reclaim the mantle of Rollmaster after many years. Arcona stands strongly among its competitors and as we look to the future, we begin to seek those who will one day replace us.

I wanted to talk briefly about leadership within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Taking a leadership role within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood can be an incredibly fulfilling and rewarding experience, which can begin with something as simple as giving back to your fellow members in very easy ways. If you have not taken the Leadership Courses within the Shadow Academy I highly recommend them. View them here

One thing I have always been raised on, in my personal life and in my DJB career, is that leadership doesn’t begin with the title. Leadership begins with your attitude, your drive and your willingness to do what others will not or cannot. When you lead from the front, others will naturally follow and find themselves happier for your efforts. We try to always ensure that as members you are recognized for your efforts, for your contributions, and we hope that you place your faith in us in exchange.

We want you to be the next ones to provide this for those who come after you and we genuinely hope that we can teach you what we know along the way and that you will take what we teach you and go beyond anything we’re capable of. Each and every generation of leaders should improve on what their predecessors have taught them. I will continue to discuss leadership and begin highlighting specific roles and what they entail within each month's report.

Before we move on! I want to take a moment to honor a few folks who have done some tremendous work and are but a few of the hard working members we have deserving recognition within the Clan.

Acolyte to Hunter - Elania Li

Battlelord to Warlord - Wuntila Arconae

Yeoman to Professional - Kelviin

Battlemaster to Battlelord - Rulvak Qurroc


Proconsul Features

”I won't shiver

I won't shake

I'm made of stone

I don't break”


I have the intention of including a member's fiction with each and every report. Unfortunately, I have to apologize to the member who volunteered his work for this month's report. Due to a few factors of attempting to work his fiction into our ongoing fiction, it is going to be delayed but hopefully released with another upcoming report.

So keep an eye out and if you would like to work on a fiction for next month's report let me know!


”Start me up, open my eyes

Turn me loose and you'll see why

I was born, born ready

Staring at the pressure now

I won't quit, not backing down”


State of our Clan

The last month or so we’ve received a lot of questions concerning, “What is happening?” and I wanted to give everyone a snapshot into the current motivations and known elements of Arcona’s Summit. Feel free to incorporate these elements into your fictions. If you have deeper questions, reach out to the Summit member in question and ask.

Atyiru Caesura Entar: Continuing to lead the Clan without her right-hand, she has officially declared war with Pravus after the events of Aftermath took place.

Uji Tameike: Having escaped due to the efforts of a group of Arconans with ulterior motives, Uji is currently avoiding the eyes of both his Clan and the Inquisition as he pursues his own goals.

Terran Koul: The Quaestor of Qel-Droma protects Ol'Val fiercely and has in recent weeks become centered entirely on ensuring the success of his House.

Maenaki Dalevi'in: The new Aedile of House Qel-Droma remains a relatively unknown element. She performs her work with a level of devotion unseen to the normally riotous House. As Aedile she has followed any and all orders from her Quaestor while maintaining a limited profile in other capacities.

Zujenia: has been juggling keeping some sort of order with her maverick Gate Keepers and acting as a leader within Atyiru’s Champions on Port Ol'val. Using what intel she can gather and the team members she trusts the most, the half-Ryn's personal focus is on the safety and support of the undesirable population moving through the asteroid. That is, of course, when she isn't following orders from up high.

Qyreia Arronen: Having seen the opportunity available, the opportunistic former Sadowan approached the Arconan Consul to offer her services. Though Atyiru knows of Qyreia's involvement in her Proconsul's escape, she also knows the use of having a new ally on her Summit.

Kordath Bleu: Kordath is assisting his new superior settle into her role as Quaestor while juggling his family and duties of his own.

Wuntila Arconae: Has been released by Atyiru on the proviso that he serve the punishment for his betrayal in service to the Lotus. Both he and Rayze Arconae have been tasked with hunting down the weaponry Grand Master Pravus is developing. In this pursuit both Arconae are preparing to move off Selen.

Clan news:

Members Choice Competitions (Provided by Terran Koul):



  • Skar- #AskTheUji With the inquisitors becoming more of a problem for arcona will Uji be taking a more active role to stop and hunt them down and weed out any further informants in the clan?

Answer: In Uji’s absence, you may well see a new face leading the Operatives in the days to come.

  • Turel - #AsktheUji How do you handle inevitable activity slumps in units? Any tips for up and coming leaders?

Answer: Talk to your people. See what they are interested in. Kordath did a fantastic job of this just earlier today within House Galeres to begin a conversation concerning the Arcona Gaming Dominance competitions cough Shameless Plug cough and what Galeres would like to see done with it.

  • Zujenia - #AskTheUji Has Atty let you remain out of jail? Or are you running around off Selen?

Answer: Actually, funny enough, a certain new Quaestor to Galeres, our resident Combat Master, and rockstar Adem may or may not have freed their Proconsul and given him the chance to slip away.

  • Celahir Erinos Arconae - #AskTheUji Magnets, how do they work?

Answer: I’m not google searching this, I just don’t trust you.

  • Zujenia - #AskTheUji What is your favorite name from the Name the Fleet comp?

Answer: Bleu Balls

  • Atra - #AskTheUji - is tonight the night we do the same thing we do every night? Try to take over Arcona?

Answer: They haven’t caught us yet have they, brain?

  • Katicorn - #AskTheUji what is it like working with someone who is legitimately threatened by position promotion?

Answer: An eternal source of amusement on bad days.

  • Aiden - #AskTheUji If you had to "pick your poison" which would it be?

Answer: Uji spent much of his early time within Arcona fallen far into the bottle, in his time as a leader he’s cast aside the need. However, he has found a consuming need to find new challenges in his reign.

  • Qyreia - #AskTheUji As a newbie to Arcona, I am curious: why are you a log?

Answer: Because without her, he is log.

Shadow Scion of Arcona

Uji Tameike

Pay attention, darlings! Your Scion speaks well, especially in that leading is its own reward. We should know. <3

Also, @Qyreia: real friends don't let their friends get away with a hilarious typo. They mock it mercilessly, then turn it into a doodle, then get their other friend to digitize that doodle so that the first typoing friend can a) have a sweet new avatar and b) create much confusion amongst newbs. :P


My favorite part is all the pretty gifs!

\o/ Woot! Love the character motivation section. Congrats again to all the promoted and the new role leaders!

great report boss man

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