House Ventress Report #5


House Ventress Report #5


Hello House Ventress and welcome to another report! It has been a bit quieter around the DJB as we head into the holiday season, but there is still plenty going on.


Table of Contents

  1. News
  2. Competitions
  3. Activity Report
  4. Final Thoughts



DB News

Evant announced the appointment of the oldest man in the history of the world to the position of CSP CON. Congrats Kamjin!

Drac released a FIST supplemental about some leave he will be taking, as well as an update on the GMRG Society and Leaderboard as well as the Casual Gaming Queue. Very interesting information for the gamers out there.

In a month for supplementals, Idris released one announcing that the Nagai species is now available! In more Idris news, he also released his second report as Combat Master. If you're interested in the ACC, I suggest you pay close attention! And to cap off a busy month for Idris and the Voice staff, the Feeorin species were also released.

Next up was Ciara who released another HM report. There was an announcement of a new magistrate and a trivia survey asking for time availability and topic suggestions. And last but certainly not least, there was a supplemental announcing a new HM sponsored container competition exploring otherspace.

Plagueis News

Now on to Plagueis news. Alaris released his next PCON report. Among the highlights was lots of recognition for the excellent work the clan's members have been putting in recently.



Here are a selection of currently running competitions that are either quick and easy to participate in or are especially interesting.


Activity Report

Warlord Taranae Rhode

Warlord Teylas Ramar

Battlelord Aleister Mavros

Battlelord Azmodius Equesinfernum

Battlelord Tisto Kingang

  • 4x Cluster of Fire
  • 1x Cluster of Earth

Battlemaster Qormus Aquila

  • Promoted to Battlemaster!
  • 1x Sapphire Blade!
  • 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 4x Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 1x Crescent with Topaz Star
  • 1x Legion of the Scholar

Savant Zuser Whuloc


Final Thoughts

It has been a quiet month, but I was thrilled to see so many members of the House being recognised for their efforts. Congratulations to everyone who was awarded a merit medal or promotion. Until next month!

Battlemaster Qormus Aquila Left Hand of Dread

Great report! Love to see everyone in Plag get the recognition they deserve!!

Nice report.

good report

Awesome report!!!!!

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