Alright my peeps. We’re getting close to the end of the year and what a year it's been. Had some fun with the other clans, took care of the Collective (well most of it), and have some lore stuff going on. Let’s get into the report shall we.
No new recruits this month. But I do want to welcome back Fenrir to the clan. Woooo we have wolfman back!!
No promotions this month either.
Alrighty everyone, we’re already done with week one and well into week two of our Lore event, Inevitable. In fact there is only about a day left. It’s been really fun, and we all have a chance to make our little mark on what happens next in our/Plagueis’ storyline.
If you haven’t read the Inevitable fictions; Chapter 1: The Scourge (Part 1), (Part 2), (Parts 3 and 4), and the newest (Part 5) yet, click the links. You won’t regret it wink wink.
We also have a few other events coming up, including a Mischief event in November by Aleister. So look out for all the fun to be had.
Also if any member wants to do a competition; are new to making comps; and want some help, either in co-organizing or need advice, just let me, or any of the summit know. We are more than happy to you. Also, for you newbies, not only doing competitions count towards promos, but making and judging successful competitions count too. So let me know if you need help and I’ll be there to get you going, as will the rest of the summit.
Alrighty, there are lots of Halloween themed competitions going right now, so let's get to it!
[PLA] Inevitable, Chapter One: The Scourge - Ends 10/26 - Lore event for Plagueis. ONE DAY LEFT!
October Scary Puzzles! - Ends 10/29 - October themed puzzles.
P:MAA Crossword: October Edition - Ends 10/31 - Mune brings us a crossword puzzle.
The Armoury Expo 2: The Return - Ends 11/01 - Graphics and a fiction of the Amoury Expo. There’s also a puzzle series for this as well.
Get your Halloween costumes ready - Ends 10/31 - Does your character have a costume for Halloween? Well here’s your chance to show off the costume.
As always head over to the Competitions tab to see more and upcoming competitions.
Clan Plagueis September Proconsul Report - Liandry gives us the results of the Expading Horizons comp, and .
TYR QUA Report #2 - Shim does his second report as Quaestor, Q&A, and lets us in on some projects.
PulseFeed News Aggregator: Clan Updates #6 - Another PulseFeed update from all the clans in the Brotherhood.
Fist Report 10.0 - Justinios got us good :P Read up on the Squadrons game, and its full launch as a supported game. Also check out the Supplemental 10.1.
Combat Master - Judge Applications Open Until 26 October - Turel has opened up applications for the Judging positions. Apply it is super fun!
The Mandalorian Season 2 Spoiler Ban - The new season of the Mandalorian is coming up!
Look out for more fun in the coming months. As always, if anyone wants to reach me with questions or just want to talk, I can be found on [Telegram - Log in to view join link] and of course by email.
See you around,
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