Plagueis Rollmaster December Report


Plagueis Rollmaster December Report


The Overseer Arrives

Hello Plagueians, yes it’s me again, slightly earlier than last month but that’s what happens when you’re lucky enough to be given opportunity. I’d like to thank Teylas and Slagar for giving me this opportunity. I’ve spent time working with our journeymen before in my 3-month stint as the BTL for AoS battleteam.


Member of the Month

So this month I wasn’t sure if I was going to bring this over to my reports as Rollmaster but I decided to anyway. This month I’d like to use this space to thank my predecessor Jai’de Serpens who managed to join the ranks of the Equites with many months of leadership in Plagueis and unfortunately was caught by the monster known as Real Life. I hope Jai’de is able to one day escape the beast and return to us.


Promotion and Society rank changes

  • Esmerelde de Noir from Apprentice to Trainee
  • Erudoin Hammond Novice to Apprentice
  • Rachelle Grimblade to Apprentice Inquisitor (Inquisitorius Rank 1)



The Dark Council run Episode VII Celebration is half way through and I’d encourage all of our journeymen to participate, if nothing else the participation credit will provide valuable towards any promotion you seek. With each Dark Councilor running a competition each that’s 9 competitions which is plenty to keep you busy. Also I’m running a poetry competition that ends on the 28th so you have 13 days left to get entries in. Go show me all just how amazing you are and how privileged I am not just to be in the position I am but how lucky I am to have a group like you to work with.


Feature Corner

Ok so this month I’ve decided to get introductions from our new battleteam leaders.


Greetings HKM & AoS. First I would like to thank Eiko & Darkblade for giving me this opportunity as BTL. Our esteemed RM Kelly has asked me to introduce myself. In RL I've been married for 23 yrs& have 2 sons. For the past 23 yrs I've either been on a Frac crew, ran a Frac crew, or the Company Rep in charge of the Frac job in the Oilfields of the Rocky Mountains & Permian Basin.

In the DJB I'm Ra'gnar, I've been in the DJB for 2.5 yrs, all with Clan/House Plagueis in House/BT Ajunta Pall. I joined in the middle of the Dark Crusade. It took me 7 months to make it to Jedi Hunter. But then it took me another 14 months to make DJK. The reason I mention this is because of what I learned during this time. And that is, the more you put into the DJB the more you get out of it. While there is a lot of good people here to help & are willing to help, they can't do it for you. We are all here to have fun, meet new people with the same interest in Star Wars. So get out there, meet people, do things, and most important have fun.

My job as BTL is to help you advance within the DJB any way I can. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me via e-mail or telegram.


Greetings everyone! For those of you who haven’t heard I’ve taken over as BTL of the Disciples of Dreypa. Who am I? Well in the real world I’m often found fixing instruments or trying to play them, though my hobbies include World of Warcraft, archery and ugh...Star Wars. Whilst over in Arcona I was known for my addiction to KFC.

Moving onto business, the activity within the team has been pretty awesome since I joined up. We’ve already seen a bunch of newcomers join us and as a result a few promotions. I should have already emailed you all regarding your requirements and/or welcoming you to the fold. If you have any questions then I will be happy to answer them, either sling me an email or find me on telegram. That’s all I have this time. I’m looking forward to working with you all and helping you progress along your Journeyman ranks.


Other DJB News Stuffs

  • Darkblade puts out his first report as Aedile of Karness Muur read

  • Bloodfyre puts out a SWTOR report

  • The GM clarifies some stuff when it comes to clusters when organizing competitions here

  • Personalized recruitment links exist read about them and generate them

  • Wiki applications open until Friday read the call to wiki here


Final Words

So that is it for now, I shall retreat into my cave of office for another month while maybe quietly doing some things. My hope is that a fair few promotion requests will be written between now and my next report.


Short and sweet.

I'll take a breast and two legs, extra crispy

Well done, Kelly. Proud of how far you have come. Keep up the good work!

Very nice, kelly :) Now I just gotta put mine together for the weekend and throw in some Episode VII after I see it, no spoilers though!

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