Competition: ACC: Create a Venue

ACC: Create a Venue


The ACC is entering BETA testing and will launch in the very near future. We are offering our members the opportunity to craft new ACC venues to compete in. This is your opportunity to craft a legacy Star Wars venue, a DJB fiction venue (Codei prison, please?!?!?!), or completely new venues.




Write new ACC venues utilizing descriptive writing to set the stage for ACC combat. Venues should be roughly 250 words in length and provide enough detail to explain their environment. Past examples can be found at:

This competition will run until the end of 2013. Good luck.

Competition Information
Organized by
Grand Master Declan Roark, Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Running time
2013-12-02 until 2013-12-31 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
45 subscribers, of which 26 have participated.
1st place
Aidan Kincaid
Aidan Kincaid
Aidan Kincaid opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
2nd place
Lord Halcyon
Lord Halcyon
Textual submission

My Venues can be found here:

2nd place
3rd place
File submission
3rd place
Ranger Kant Lavar
Textual submission

Midarian Shipping Complex, Estle City, Selen, Dajorra System - This building, near the Estle City Spaceport, is a maze of offices, warehouses, freight storage yards, and hangars. A variety of urban terrain and constantly changing contents means that no two fights will be the same, and combatants will have a varied urban environments to fight in - and dangers to exploit.

No placement
Adept Xantros
File submission
No placement
Scion Tarentae
Textual submission

The Cantina in the Sword's Sheath is moderately sized for a bar. The lights hum dimly on small round tables, about the right size for two or three people to sit around. A few dingy booths line one of the walls, but the most prominent feature of the room is the bar itself. It's a magnificent, shiny durasteel bar stretching across one entire wall. Bar stools line the entire distance, enough for most of a Battle Team to all sit together. One of the stools at the end appears to lean precipitously to one side, and the one next to it is missing except for the fixture on the floor where it once stood. The walls of the establishment are littered with past prizes of Tarentum, ranging from stuffed trophies of vicious animals to medals and flags from vanquished foes. Behind the bar in the center is a large, weathered logo of the defunct House Gladius. It appears that the cantina was abandoned in a hurry; the liquor is well stocked, and several of the tables have partially empty glasses on them.

No placement
Tarax Eosphoros Taldrya Kor
Textual submission

OFH - Shad's Dungeon: After a night of wild debauchery in the OFH's Lounge, you and your opponent find yourselves in Shad's Pleasure Dungeon. Amidst the swings, whips, prods and clamps, you are to find your way back outside before Shad learns that you've invaded his private pleasure palace. Who gets out first, and who is left to face the (dis)pleasure of Shad's wrath?

No placement
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
File submission
No placement
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Textual submission

Outpost D-34
A re-creation of an ancient deep space inspection platform, D-34 now functions as a duelling arena for those who want the risk of being vented to space with a love of close-quarters fighting. The battle arena is the station’s command bridge at the absolute peak of the station, with a ring of long transparisteel windows. Below them is the ring of station consoles with seats behind them, the seats being bolted down onto the durasteel deck-plates. In the centre of the room is a raised platform with more computer terminals to stand behind, with an open portion for someone to walk between. In the middle of that open ring is the turbolift platform, a simple metal plate that descends down the elevator tube. Almost everything in here is bolted or held down in case of accidental venting to space.

No placement
Archangel Palpatine
Textual submission

Ptolomean Jungles

A canopy of cascading tropical leaves casts shadows throughout the clearing, dimming the bright light of the star, Imperius, but doing little for the heat. Thousands of trees surround the clearing, in a dazzling array of species and colors which only a mature tropical jungle could manage. Deep green vines hang from the limbs of the majority of the trees, some sprouting flowers, petals spread wide to display multicolored stamen. Sweet nectar and earthy scents fill the locale, along with the freshness of a recent torrential rain. The clearing floor is a mottle of fallen leaves, patches of mud and loam.

A monolith occupies the very center of the clearing, constructed with white marble inset with obsidian and orichalc. Nothing grows around the pillar, which towers over the area at a heady three meters. Sharp as a pencil at the tip, it is inscribed with runes of Sith origin. The monolith has a keen, hungry sense about it, an object of no small Dark Side energy.

No placement
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Textual submission

_The Palladium_

The Palladium is a huge building that resides close to the Dark Hall of Antei. The Complx had originally been designed to obscure the fact that it served as a training facility for members of a Dark Jedi Brotherhood. No metropolis had sprung up around the mundane-looking building, ignorant to the Krath engineering that allowed the structure to stand as tall as it did despite the building’s uneven foundation. The only noticeable landmark loomed ominously in the distance, an ancient ziggurat known as the Great Temple of Okemi.


On the rooftop of the Palladium, a thick cloud of darkness coalesces, stretching outwards and rolling over the barren landscape of the Shadow Lands surrounding it. For unlike Namar -- the Sunside of Antei -- it was always nighttime in the Shadowlands due to the ionic storms battling in the planets arid sky. A set of flood lights line the perimeter of the roof and when remotely swiveled and turned inwards cut through the blackness to harshly illuminate a concrete rooftop. A landing pad on the far side of the complex can handle most Transport Class Shuttles, the concrete itself roughly the size of a Holoball Field. Archaic ventilation shafts funnel air from the building within, combining with the random pipes and generators littered about as obstacles. The lone stairwell that would lead to the rooftop has been destroyed over time, members of the Brotherhood often using the forgotten location as covert meeting point. There are no adjoining buildings, so the only way down is to scale the sides of the buildings and enter through the duraglass windows or narrow ventilation shafts.

_Training Facilities_

Inside the Palladium, a full assortment of training rooms are available to members studying on Antei. Training dummies, self-floating-stun-drones, training droids, are readily available along with training weapons and apparel. Each training room was connected by a pair of long hallways that descended lower and lower in the building to make up classrooms and mediation chambers. On the base floor is the lobby area which sports a clean, modern edge with the latest technology giving the front of a corporation, rather than a facility for Dark Jedi.

No placement
A deleted dossier
Textual submission

Location: Hangar of an Imperial-II Star Destroyer.

Description: Filled with TIE Fighters, as well as other military craft of various shapes and sizes, the Imperial Hangar is otherwise a fairly open room with lots of space. Cargo containers and other objects provide cover, whilst raised catwalks allow for a greater view of the area, as well as the potential to snipe at less expecting opponents. Hazards include Stormtroopers and other Imperials, who will likely consider the Dark Jedi in the area to be hostile and attempt to eliminate them.

Location: Streets of Nar Shaddaa (Like that level in JO SP)

Description: The narrow streets of Nar Shaddaa are a sniper's heaven. Most of the streets are exposed and uncovered, giving ranged weapons an almost free reign on targets. That is not to be said sabers and other melee weapons are useless: If you can pin your opponent down, escape may be difficult without use of the Force. Hazards vary - perhaps there are other foes sniping, or perhaps the streets are busy with rush-hour traffic.

No placement
General Ood Bnar
General Ood Bnar opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia
Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Epis Locke Sonjie
Epis Locke Sonjie opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Warlord Kai Movar
File submission
Textual submission

Star Destroyer Bridge
“ISD Devastator” The Bridge is shaped like an elongated semi-circle. It measures approximately 25 meters long and 15 meters wide. The floors are black in color and highly polished. All around 180 degrees are trapezoidal shaped windows showing the expanse of space beyond. What walls are visible are a standard Imperial Grey, as is the ceiling which stands near 3 meters tall. The most noticeable feature of the Bridge is the Command Deck which stretches to the front of the Bridge and around the sides. Between the command deck on both sides are pits deep enough for an averaged sized Human to stand but still be below the level of the deck. The pits are lined with work consoles of various types and the walls have various control interfaces on them. Crewmen are busily carrying out their duties inside the pits. A long row of bench height consoles run the entire circumference of the Bridges semi-circle. At the back of the bridge are several clusters of additional consoles. On the left hand side is a door that leads into the Conference Room and on the right are two doors, one leading to the exit and one to the Commanding Officers Ready Room.

No placement
Zanet Xox
Zanet Xox opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Kaz Raith
Kaz Raith opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Envoy Taranae Rhode
Envoy Taranae Rhode opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
File submission
No placement
Vynn Salm
File submission
No placement
Lexi Sarden
File submission
Textual submission

Here is my submission for the ACC venues competition.

JH Lexi Sarden (Sith) / Battle Team Dark Forge of House Galeres of Clan Arcona [GMRG: I] [SA: III]

No placement
Rian Taldrya
File submission
Textual submission

The Great Hall of Taldryan (also known as the '''Karufr Great Hall''') is the headquarter of House Taldryan since its migration from their former home in the Karana System due to the events from the Exodus Day Ever since its completion it served as main seat of Power to the House, holding its major training, bureaucratic and dormitory facilities. Jointly operated by the Dark Jedi of Taldryan and troops of Taldryan's Expansionary Forces, the Great Hall that is constructed upon an ancient Force Nexus is sealed to all but the Jedi and their allies, with very few public areas.

Main article: Taldryan Great Hall

Locations and Placement of the Venues

Summit Chamber
Level 30
Spira Taldryae
Consul's Retreat
Level 25-26
Spira Taldryae
Hall of Trials and Meditation chambers
Level 20-23
Spira Taldryae
Level 1
Spira Taldryae
Aegis Hall
Level 1-3
Sublevel 5 - Level 3
Sublevel 3 - Sublevel 1
Sublevel 3 - Sublevel 1
Research Halls
Sublevel 5 - Sublevel 1
Drill Ground/Court Plaza
Level 1
Landing pad and Hangar
Sublevel 5 – Level 1
The Works
Sublevel 8 – Sublevel 6
Shadow Town
Sublevel 10 – Sublevel 9
Ancient Cavern - Mezzazine
- Sublevel 11
Ancient Cavern – Chamber of the Force Nexus
- Sublevel 11

Sub Venues

Summit Chamber

Resting at the peak of Spira Taldryae the Summit chamber resembled a four sided room with it's front side being much shorter than the rest of the room and high windows that could be polarized to darken the chamber when needed. The chamber itself is dominated by a large circular table that is equipped with a high-class holoprojector, capable of projecting multiple objects or persons at once like when members of the Taldryan Elder circle attend the meeting from a distant place, the interior is further completed through a set of comfortable lounge chairs and couches. However, the chamber is accessed through a small lobby at the backside of the Summit chamber that connects it with the rest of Spira Taldryae through a single turbolift.

Consul's Retreat

Located a few levels below the Summit Chamber rests the Consul's Retreat, The retreat serves the leading Council of Taldryan as private chambers and were made up from the most spacious accommondations in the entire stronghold. The most spacious of the chambers is, of course, the chamber of the leading person of Taldryan. The Chamber itself is made up of several rooms, and is accessed via a small antechamber. Flowing into a wide, high ceiling sitting room, that sport two staircases on either side that lead down onto the veranda The ceiling and walls of the chamber were of a ribbed design, arching over the room to allow natural light from the veranda to flow in through the floor to ceiling. On either side of the sitting room, doors could allow passage onto the more private rooms of the chamber's current occupant like the bedchamber with a broad window on one side.

Hall of Trials/Meditation chambers

Located deep in Spira Taldryae, were a set of connected high-ceiling chambers, constructed out of a dark stone and was only dimly lit during the trials. Within the architecture of the room, the a variety of Trial Programs is stored, capable of constructing simulacrums of ancient warriors as well as objects to test the skills of the tested persons. Located off a passage way, this doorless hall consisted of several stepped areas and connected with other high-ceiled rooms that were flooded with light through large but blinded windows and likewise lined with plotted plants which lined the walls and metallic meditation pads as well as pillars which framed blinded windows.


Erected at the base of Spira Taldryae the atria provided entry from the rooftop of the Ziggurat to the chambers located within the Spire itself. At the top of a short flight of stairs, the entry area emptied into a hall lined with bronziumstatues of the Sons and Daughters of Taldrya. On either side of the hall, doors gave access to the chambers that made up the base of the Tower. Directly at the end of the hall is a bridge that spanns the pool filled with local fishes at the center of the Tower. A set of turbolifts that takes its passengers to the summit of the tower is suspended in the middle of the pool, forcing the bridge to encircle it to reach the platform on the other side. Additionally, a stone stairwell encircled the shaft, leading from the atrium to the uppermost chambers of the Spire.

Aegis Hall

Crowning the area above the north-western part of the Great Hall Ziggurat the Aegis Hall is a compound that serves the Wardens of Unity Battleteam as their home. Two armed guards stand at the hall’s entrance at all times and only members of the Wardens and their support personnel are ever granted permission to enter. In here the Wardens not only conduct their business, train and study along each other. That for the facility sports not only study rooms for its members but a fully equipped training compound with three different rooms ranging from a fully equipped gym to a fifty feet shooting range as well. While the Wardens were supposed to protect the members of Taldryan they also serve as the keepers of Taldryans knowledge and wisdom; that for the members of the Wardens were permitted to transfer ancient tombs and artifacts from the restricted area of the Arcanum that connects to the Aegis Hall to their personal library to study on the ancient knowledge of the Krath, Sith and Obelisk Orders. The most dangerous of these are kept in a secured Chamber, guarded by two of Taldryans Force Sentinels.


Next to and connected with the Aegis Hall rests the Arcanum, a multi-story high building that holds the Library of the Great Hall, the Storerooms for the various Artifacts in Taldryans possession and a large Greenhouse, containing waterfalls and huge amounts of flora, meditative areas, pottery, and stone walkways, where at day times the members of Taldryan can find a meditative retreat for their studies while staying in the Temple.

While closed to most of the members at night time, higher ranking Journeymen and members of Taldryan can visit the greenhouse and either test their mettle against each other or to meet in a hidden section called the "secret area" where all even the lower level Journeymen sneak to socialize or otherwise meet in private after curfew to avoid being caught by the Great Hall's securities.


The refectories of the Great Hall were the dining halls consisting of kitchens, eating areas, and storehouses. Located on several different levels of the Ziggurat, the refectories varied in size and function, with some serving only specific meals. Each refectory's kitchen had direct access to the foods stored within the Ziggurat's storehouses.
Each of the dining halls was filled with long, trestle tables that were flanked by benches; holodisplays were hung along the pillared walls to show news from across the galaxy. Refuse stations were located around the room for the return of dishes and utensils, and the disposal of any waste. The halls were maintained by refectory droids and assigned personal.
The kitchens were large, capable of servicing over a hundred persons at a time. Large stoves and ovens lined the walls and preparation areas had datascreens from which supplies could be summoned from the storehouses.


Lining the northern, western and southern borders of the Ziggurat, the accommodation sector occupied the floors from directly below the rooftop to the edges of the mountain range. Separated into several different levels, the sector was made up of Journeymen dormitories and private rooms for the senior members of the Clan and the members of Taldryan military, as well as visitors' quarters for diplomats and politicians visiting the Temple. While the barracks featured only little furniture, providing only that which was necessary, and were pillared, with access to the common recreation areas higher ranking officers and Dark Jedi were placed in spacious accommodations of which every had a common room and a snack annex and a small balcony, while those who were even higher ranking or those who have passed their trials and became Dark Jedi Knights were rewarded with even more spacious quarters, with closets, bookcases, a workbench, and some more furniture like couches and a table with chairs in the common room.

Research Halls

Located within the Ziggurat's west wing, the research halls consisted of several laboratories, analysis chambers, and research booths. The sterile analysis chambers hosted state-of-the-art polysensitive graspers and multispectral readers capable to detect and indentify symbols, odor, and skin deposits on any subject and compare them with several hundreds of species of flora and fauna from around the galaxy. In order to keep a completely sterile environment, the analysis chambers were completely shut of to organics; members of Taldryan would access a booth divided by a transparisteel barrier and place subjects on a tray that would transport the subject through the barrier for study.

Drill Ground/Court Plaza

The Court Plaza is an area of the Ziggurat's rooftop, near the base of Spira Taldryae, that has also been designed as a high-tech training facility and drill ground for the Taldryan Expansionary Forces assigned to the Great Hall. While lined with Trees and benches, heavy walls of duracrete can be retracted and changed in its configuration to become either an arena or a maze to train close quarter combat.

Landing Pad and Hangar

Atop the Ziggurat's rooftop and within were a series of landing platforms and garage entrances. Large enough to accommodate all sorts of shuttles or small transports, these pads were located on the edge of the massive Ziggurat, and the largely utilitarian structure services any craft that is used to access the Great Hall or when large parties of Jedi departed on missions.
Each garage maintained a maintenance crew capable of keeping Taldryan's war machines fully functioning and operational.
Also on the Top level of the Ziggurat were speeders and other land vehicles used to connect the Great Hall with the rest of Karufr's civilization.

The Works

Built upon the last intact remaining chambers of the Navigators temple the Works were the section that holds the Great Hall's main Power Complex. Even before entering the Works, one will be greeted by the distant sound of machinery within. Within the Works the rooms were made up from a network of tiered walkways connected by stairs of metal. The ground is vibrating as the air is filled by the overwhelming cacophony of deafening industry. Surveillance-droids can be seen scurring among the workings, checking gauges, readouts, maintaining equipment, greasing mechanics

Shadow Town

Located in the most lowest level of the Works lies the so called Shadow Town, though not a real town, the place is made up of the remnants of buildings from a long gone time. Once occupied by the beings that inhabitated the Navigators Temple, the air seems stale and shadows pool in every corner of the ornate walls made of wood and stone that were lit by four-sided spots attached to the columns that have been erected to suppor the weight of the upper levels. The place resembles what could be best described as a ghost town and more than once visitors felt like the wind has carried whispers from the Navigators through the time.

Ancient Caverns – Mezzazine

A small entrance hall with a high ceiling and ornate walls led to a flight of descending stairs, and the stairs split into two at the upper landing before leading into the Temple's mezzanine, or balcony-floor. From there several passages branch off around the outer walls, though only the middle and the one on the opposite side of the mezzanine lead to a spiral staircase that descends further down into the main chamber.

Ancient Caverns – Chamber of the Force Nexus

The chamber of the Force Nexus features stone-bridges connecting a small platform in the very center with the rest of the chamber. Buttresses that might have once supported the bridges from the second level of the Temple out, and the buttresses themselves were supported by the two sets of outer pillars. Upon this centered platform rests a highly ornamented stone altar with a trapezoidal shaped crate made of dull gray stone and bears small symbols in an ancient language, those meanings still need to be transposed. However rumors among the Taldrya say that crate resembles some form of an Ancient Holocron, as it emanates in a pale radiance within the Force similar to other, newer Holocrons.

No placement
Seer A'lora Kituri
File submission
No placement
Verse Theris
File submission
Textual submission

Verse Theris, #13723
Guardian, Arete, Arcona
Dark Side Path, Order of the Krath

Entry #1
Luxury Bathhouse

This space features open architecture with high vaulted ceilings supported by stone columns. Decorative mosaics of abstract design accent the walls and parts of the ceiling. The most distinguishing feature of this place is the several bathing pools built into the ceramic tiled floors. Eight pools of varying sizes are evenly spaced throughout the area. The two farthest from the large entrance door are raised slightly, accessible by a few steps built into their sides. Water depths range from waist-deep to just over the height of an average human male, at the deep end of the large center bath. Most of the water is tepid, but there is one cold bath and a round hot tub with very warm water. The hot tub also features jets operated by a nearby console. Closer examination of the console reveals additional buttons and switches that control water flow and temperature for all of the baths. Wall sconces provide intimate yellow lighting that fully illuminates the room. A couple of room dividers of are set off to either side, made of wood frames stretched with richly embroidered fabric. These dividers, intended to provide privacy to undressing patrons, are each two meters high, and one and a half meters in length when fully extended. Several decorative fountains babble continuously, cycling water through the baths. The air in the room is very humid and is scented with a hint of floral fragrance. Plush white towels are stacked neatly throughout the room, alongside an assortment of bath salts.

Entry #2
Aquatic Reef

This vast expanse of kelp reef exists entirely submerged adjacent to an underwater rock wall on the planet of Mon Calamari, approximately two-hundred meters underneath the surface of the water. Neither the water’s surface nor the sea floor is visible at this depth. The planet’s sunlight filters through the aquatic environment, providing low lighting as well as maintaining the thriving kelp reef and flora living against the immense wall of rock. Despite the dim light, the water is clear and does not significantly hinder visibility. The temperature of the water, however, is biting cold at this depth, so much so that a creature that is not adapted to the environment may succumb to hypothermia after prolonged exposure. The rubbery, green ropes of kelp grow half of a meter apart from one another, although there are some places where they are packed more densely and provide full cover. The rock face that the reef grows beside seems endless, with crags and small caves throughout. With some effort medium-sized boulders may be able to be dislodged from the facing. A thin layer of sand has settled upon the rock, clouds billowing up in the water if the surface is disturbed. Other botanical life and mollusks have taken up residence upon the wall and cling tightly to the underwater cliff side. Rarely, large aquatic fauna may be spied swimming throughout the reef, in search of their next meal.

(Note: Due to the nature of this environment, combatants are provided aquata breathers to use during the battle.)

No placement
Liam Torun-Urr
File submission
No placement
Ryan Hawkins
Ryan Hawkins opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement