Clan Naga Sadow Consul Report - Now with even more links!


Clan Naga Sadow Consul Report - Now with even more links!

Clan Naga Sadow Consul Report August 12

Yes, it is time for another one of these things. Today we will reach far and wide, talking about run ons, the ACC, the SA, DB news and maybe it will even have some competitions! (And maybe some spoilers about future events in the end.)
Oh and of course a big welcome back to Ashura and Ashia, who recently returned to Naga Sadow from the terrible place known as Rogues.

With all these things, where do we start?

I feel run ons is as good a place as any so here goes.
The Invasion: Aeotheran run on is still going strong and I am very happy to see so many people, new and old, taking part and contributing to the ever growing fictional history of Clan Naga Sadow.

While on the topic of run ons I would like to talk about some things that can help all of us improve, firstly the basics, character sheets and proofreading.
Using my own character sheet as an example, this will tell you that my character prefers ranged combat over close combat, it also tells you that he is a good pilot but he would be terrible at using explosives or slicing. It also tells you how proficient he is with the different force powers, in this case, great at Illusion and Terror but not so great at using the Barrier power and completely unable to use the Beast Control force power. It also has some info on his behavior in and out of combat.
While checking your own and others’ character sheets while writing might take a little longer but it ensures us that we write each other’s characters, and our own, closer to how they are and also ensures that we don’t have people doing stuff in run ons that they can’t actually do.

Next is proofreading. It might seem like a hassle, but proofreading can catch errors like the ones mentioned above. It can also catch typos or grammar errors, it might seem small but grammar could mean the difference between placing and not placing in a run on competition, if the scores are close.
That’s it for this time, join me next time for more run on masterclass! (From someone who doesn’t write that much himself…)

Where to next, captain?

Well, we might as well stay on a related topic. The ACC, or Antei Combat Center, right now we only have five people out of 36 who are qualified for the ACC, I would love to see that number increase. The ACC used to be one of Naga Sadow’s strong areas and I would like for us to get to that point again eventually.

For those of you who are unsure about what the ACC is all about, I can tell you that it’s a bit like a short run on, or co-op fiction, between two people. It is usually about the two people fighting each other but it can also be them working together on some sort of task, some of the Fading Lights battles have set up two people to help each other take down a specific target, instead of just trying to take down each other.

To get qualified for the ACC you need to take the ACC Fundamentals and the ACC Qualification SA courses.

You mentioned the SA, do we have more options to be edumacated?

You could say that, there has been a bunch of Shadow Academy related news post the last couple of days. First the DB History courses got updated.

Then Dacien posted a report wherein he explains some changes and additions to the Shadow Academy Degrees, two new ones were added, Dark Maven – Lore and Dark Savant – History and Lore. His report also has a list of the top five exam takers since his last report and I’m happy to say our own Acolyte Zetnom is number three on that list! Good job Zetnom.

Are we getting to the DB news now, guv’nor?

Indeed we are.
There has been a slight change in the Dark Council since my last report, we have gotten a new Master at Arms, Aabsdu, and with the new MAA comes a new MAA staff.

The Fist, Valhavoc, also released a report. In it you can read about some changes to how Clusters of Fire are rewarded for some TOR Flashpoints, and a change to the weekly pvp Pendant of Blood structure.

I think that’s it for news in the big wide DB since last time.

When are you getting to the competitions? It’s the only reason I’m still reading this!

Alright! Keep your socks on.
I have set up two new jigsaw puzzle competitions for you guys, they shouldn’t take too long. There’s an easy one and a hard one.

Remember that you can always find a list of competitions available to you here. There are a bunch of DB wide competitions for you guys to participate in as well as the Clan Naga Sadow ones.

You promised us possible spoilers, now where are they?

I don’t remember making such a promise, but if you say I did then I must have.

The summit is currently deciding on where we want to go once we have finished the run on on Aeotheran, we are currently considering going on a field trip outside the Orian System, and maybe visit a planet known from the Expanded Universe. Nothing has been fully decided yet but please voice your thoughts on the matter.

There are also rumors that your Consul is planning some sort of fiction competition soon… what do you mean there’s no such rumors? I just started them! It is also rumored to be a Black Guard competition, but more on that soon.

Can we go now?

No, you cannot. Not before I talk about IRC yet again. IRC is a great tool for communication and it’s a good place to meet, and talk to, your fellow Sadowans. (Or even some of the people in other units, some of them are actually ok!)
If you don’t have an IRC client installed you can use the webchat on the DB site which can be found here. The Clan Naga Sadow channel is called #naga_sadow and the main DB channel is #db. I hope to see more of you guys on there.

Now you may leave.

Until next time!

SWL Malik Sadow (Sith) / CON-DOC / Clan Naga Sadow [GMRG: VI] [SA: IX] [ACC: Q]
ED / RS / SB / GC-PoTP / SC-SoH / AC-RoF / DC-PP / GN / SN-BL / BN-AuL / Cr:4A-12S-12E-8T-6Q / PoB-AuL / CF-PlF / CI-PC / SI-AgL / SoF / SotM / LS-SL / SoL-TC / S:1M-1R-1C-6D-1P-10U-2B-3De-7Dec-7Aff-25Cr
Son of Sadow

I hope nobody ever teaches mulch boy how to embed images, or else we'll have him fighting to find ways to include even more of those :D

I know how to embed images, thank you very much :P

suuuure :P

Sure. I rest my case. :P

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