Clan Plagueis Proconsul Report: February 2021


Clan Plagueis Proconsul Report: February 2021



Hello there fellow Plagueians. It is time for your regularly scheduled Proconsul Report looking back at the month that was February 2021. Our main piece of news is we have an ongoing feud against our perennial nemesis Clan Odan-Urr. We’ll also be highlighting other competitions for the here and now as well as taking a dive into the news the rest of the club has come up with, including a change of administration. Also, this is the one report a year where my report actually falls on the last day of the month, so I hope February hasn't been too hard on folks


The Myrkr Crusade

We are officially a little over a day into our latest battle with those folks over in Clan Odan-Urr. Those who have been in Plagueis for a while, will remember that the last time our clans faced off in a clan v clan event Plagueis came out on top. We would love nothing more than to go 2-0 against COU, but we also want you to have fun participating. Phase 1 will run until March the 13th and the feud as a whole will conclude on March the 31st with the end of Phase 2. There are 2 event long gaming comps and one event long fiction comp than run from now, well yesterday, until the 31st. It is primarily designed to be cooperative fiction, though it can be done solo if you can't find a team. For those interested in writing with other people(which you totally should, it’s cool) there is a signup form that is being monitored to pair people up. You can find that at convenient link.

You can find the feud container in the not so subtly-named red text that says feud container. I know, I’m a genius, humble too. Now stop flattering me and go win victory for our clan, and also have fun, I specifically requested it.


Comps, Comps, Comps!

These are just some of the competitions on offer, for a full list, see the competition page.


Notable News From Around The Club



That’s all from The Pinnacle for this month, though I’d like to once more stress that I’m here for you guys if you need anything at all, club-related or just on a personal level. Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Your next dose of report goodness comes to you from Ronovi. This has been your monthly Proconsul report, see you when I see you.



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