PCon Report: Return to Base


PCon Report: Return to Base






After the campaign on Dandoran was complete, the Overlord of Clan Naga Sadow instructed the fleet to rendezvous at the planet Takodana. With all the events surrounding the Severian Principate over the last few weeks, the Consul decided a bit of down time was in order for the folks of Naga Sadow.

Every so often a high stakes gaming tournament is held at the Takodana Castle. Augur Locke Sonjie and Battlemaster Tasha’Vel Versea were participating in the event. The castle was full of heavy hitting game sharks from all over the system. Each looking to snag the bountiful pot of winnings for themselves.

The day's events closed out with lady luck favoring the Sadowans. Clan personnel left the castle grounds after watching their brethren compete. Retiring back to the sanctity of the fleet, there was sure to be some celebratory drinks to take in. The Consul embarked into his T4a shuttle, taking his seat the Consul began to flip through his data pad and began sifting through campaign files and upcoming mission brief’s.

The shuttle pilot began to spool up the ION engines bringing them up to operational parameters. Rising above one of the castle’s VIP landing pads, the pilot rotated the ship around. Flipping a set of toggle switches on his control panel the pilot activated the articulated flanking wings lowering them into position. Pushing the throttles forward while simultaneously pulling back on the yoke, the pilot guided the shuttle into the planet’s atmosphere.

As the shuttle broke into the atmosphere, two Raider II Corvettes, the Necrosis and the Xerberus came alongside the chariot of the Consul. “Overlord shuttle, this is Necrosis. We would like to thank you for choosing the Perdition shuttle service for today’s activities. To your port side you have the Corvette Xerberus accompanying us today.”

Bentre almost snickered as he recognized the voice, “Pilot, inform the Necrosis and Battlemaster Sato Tarentae to keep the chatter to a minimum. And if there is the slightest scratch on that ship there will be hell to pay.”

“Understood sir” as he held the hot key down on the commlink.

Necrosis this is Overlord shuttle. How copy?”

Laughing “Loud and clear.”

“Overlord shuttle this is Xerberus. Bentre it has been a good day, no need to be in a mood,” said the reassuring voice of the Overlord’s bride.

True, the Corellian thought.

“Pilot radio ahead and have DarkHawk prep the war room and gather the Summit. We have issues to discuss.”

“Affirmative sir. Hailing the Perdition now.” replied the shuttle pilot.

The copilot used his overhead control panel to activate the shuttle’s communication system. Dialing the commlink to a secured frequency the Consul’s instructions were relayed to the Perdition. The Perdition and the rest of the Sadowan fleet orbited the outer quadrant of the system. The exterior hanger bay lights began to simultaneously flash yellow then green. The shuttle moved in closer and the pilot began his landing approach. As the pilot brought the shuttle in, the co-pilot flipped a series of switches which retracted the wings up to their vertical position. Continuing with his assigned copilot's procedures, he activated the landing gear from his control panel. The skids came down and locked into place with a loud THUD!

One of the on-duty crew chief’s marshalled the shuttle into its designated station. The shuttle crew touched down perfectly centered on the CNS logo painted on the tarmac floor. The ship’s pitot tubes purged system gases before the shuttle door opened. The Overlord disembarked his shuttle deep in thought.


War Room

The leaders of the Clan were gathered together around the War Room’s large oval table. The Consul leaned forward in his seat, placing his elbows on the table. “The Vendetta is over. Time to readdress our previous accords and ventures. I have something in the works, although my research requires further inquiry. I will reconvene Summit once that inquiry is complete.”

Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan Warlord Malisane Sadow spoke next. “Aeotheran needs some attention. Adept Sanguinius and I have are prioritizing our concerns and are finalizing a plan of attack.”

“Excellent Malisane. Normal SITREPS communications and as always.”

“Affirmative sir.”

The tall Tarantae spoke next. Warlord Hades stood and pulling his coat taut at the bottom. “Consul, Augur Locke and I are in a similar situation as Malisane and HSD. We have to address some issues within HMR boundaries. Once we establish operation parameters we will pass them along to the Summits.”

The Consul looked over at his Proconsul, “DH, I understand you will be accompanying Malisane back to Aeothoran? Will you be assisting in their campaigns?”

“No sir, I will be taking on something on my own. Although Malisane has been my pathfinder on this personal journey. The Quaestor has informed me most of my time will be in solitude. I will certainly assist both the Houses if my services are required. When I get back from Aeotheran, I would like to coordinate the archive project I spoke with you about prior to the Vendetta.”

“Indeed. Malisane, please ensure the PCon’s safety while he is out on expedition?”

“For this mission Consul, that will depend solely on DH.” replied Malisane.

“I am ready to begin my friend.”

The Clan’s newest Elder, Adept Sanguinius Entar rose up from his seat, “DH as your Master, I must invoke the Master bequeathment accord. If you parish during your endeavors, all your possessions immediately transfer to me.”

DarkHawk stood, turned towards the Elder and bowed, “What is mine is yours Master.”

“In all seriousness, DH I hope you have a successful mission. As far as Aeotheran is concerned, one area we are taking a more in depth account of our operational processes. The more operations completed, the more lucrative it is for the House and Clan,” the Elder said with conviction.

Bentre nodded, “I look forward to everyone's findings. I commend you all on your excursions and personal growth outside of Clan business. We have some internal matters that will need our full attention as we proceed from here on out. I have assembled the members in the cantina for some post celebratory drinks.”

The Summit concluded their meeting to join the other members of Clan at the cantina. As the Summit walked in, they could see the tired and weary faces of the other members. A long drawn out campaign takes a toll mentally and physically. The Summit was right to convene, no amount of drink would quench the thirst CNS needed.

Time for a change, the Overlord thought to himself.


Hello Sadowans, what say you? As you can gather from the report fiction, everyone is getting refreshed and returning back to day to day Clan business. And that is great! I want to say we will return to business as usual, but there are some details that require attention before we just kick our feet up and smoke a stogie. Though as much as I adore that sentiment. We all have some work to do. That includes myself in more ways than one. We all have some personal projects we want to work on, both the Clan and House Summits have some fictional development that will need attention. And of course, why would we not work on developing our own characters further. After all that we've been through over the last year, where is your character now?

In the meantime, we all are awaiting for more detailed metrics from the Rite of Supremacy: Escalation results. But I have some creative numbers I wanted to present to you and these numbers are complex, professional and out-right geniusly created for confusion and utter nonsense.



No seriously, the Boss is gathering a gaggle of metrics for us to enjoy and those will be out once he crunches all his numbers. Me and math avoid one another unless it has something to do with how much lumber do I need to make this build . I think overall we had like 53% of the Clan partake in the RoS. I just cannot say thank you enough so here is my salute to all you Sadowans!



What is in store for CNS? Well the Boss is taking a deep dive into some processes and working up a game plan for us. Although, per our discussions with Summit members, this endeavor will take the support of all of us.

Summits are working adventures for their respective Houses. I have a couple things I want to run past the Boss and get his inputs before I run down into my rabbit hole. More so, we are all going to take a deep dive into things and see if we can get a proper grip to make things more tantalizing for us. Talks amongst Summits over the last few hours have brought a lot of things to light and I want to be the first to recognize my own shortcomings, apologize to everyone for them and make my own corrections before they become habits. More to come so stay tuned true believers!


We had folks in the Clan that had overall placing from the Event! That is so flipping cool. I want to shoot out a HUGE THANK YOU to you all for you efforts! Before everyone is recognized for their efforts, its a GREAT thing to see when we have folks place in a major event, and this is not different. I do not want to steal the Boss' thunder before those folks get formally recognized. But you all deserve a big



For our participants we had a good showing towards placements! Thank you all so much for your submissions and your dedication to the Clan! You ALL are awesome! I also would like to give a HUGE SHOUT out to all the organizers of the Event. Thank you for a great event and your time in putting this all together for us! I would also like to thank the other Clans, congrats on another solid showing!

I would also like to take this opportunity to formally thank my Restorer partners, our very own Raistlin Sadow, and fellow PCon & LHoJ Adept Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz and finally Captain Cyrsenia Orainn for their amazing efforts during the Event. Thank you all very much for helping this old dude out!


We have two new members to welcome into Clan Naga Sadow. Everyone say hello to Apprentice Gorel Eez Zorak and Novice Taaj Veg!


Some Basics

In T/G I posted a couple of post R/O questions. So for those that may not have seen them here they are!

Morning Sadowans from the sweltering heat of Devils Tower

Couple questions for everyone so give it some thought and sound off!

1. During your missions on Dandoran, what was your character's initial reaction to the mutated Restoration Trooper?

2. How did your character find a way of dispatching them?

3. After this conflict, did your character's outlook change any towards the SP or Tenixir Reven?

A few replies to those questions…

Warlord Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow wrote:

  1. That's cool. I want it.

  2. He didn't ic, ooc just had a struggle towards the end.

  3. SP are worse asses than he thought they were. Which he appreciates but still

_Warlord Malisane _

  1. What the hells that?

  2. Probably brute force, telekinesis and explosives.

  3. Not much really. He disliked the Severians before and was neutral to the Revenants. That won't have changed

Adept Sanguinius Entar

  1. The Restorers are bad people mmm-Kay? They need to be punished and I was so right to be pledged to the Harmonists.

  2. Nope, too busy avoiding them rather than dispatching them. No need to fight them if you’re smart enough to avoid them.

  3. Definitely made Sang harsher towards the Restorers faction amongst the Principate. The Revenants are no saints, but to turn to such measures to destroy them makes those in the Restorers little better than those they claim to hate.

Thank you all for those replies, I look forward to seeing more. And be ready for more Q&A!


Now that the R/O is over we have regular comps to dive into. Our own Battleteam Leader from the Nighthawks Privateer Rorot has put up a comp for us! Check it out here: Competition: Gender, Please? - Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Dive in and support our fellow Sadowan!

I have also submitted two comps for everyone to have a little bit of fun with! A challenging puzzle and a fiction that will be ready on the 28th of July.

Speaking of competitions, head on over to the Comps page and dive into the other great comps available to us! https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions



Well folks, we have another RoS in the books and behind us. The comadaraderie that we share is by far one of the best points of our Club and Clan. Sadowans you are absolutely the best and I cannot speak to the volumes of how proud and lucky I am to be here amongst you all.

We will make leaps and bounds over the hurdles we have in front of us and we become stronger and better for it! Keep pushing forward CNS, there are GREAT things in store for us!

If I forgot anyone or any pertinent info please slap me upside the head and I will get it corrected.

Now as a parting gift I am going to ask one last question in Jeopardy form:

In 'Return of the Jedi,' Luke Skywalker's lightsaber was green. What color was it in the first two movies?




Blue, the answer is Blue

It was the a pleasure partnering with you on the fiction. Definitely an enjoyable experience and a fun interaction between two PCONs. Congratulations to all your members that participated and were recognized!


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