Taldryan Proconsul Report: First Clan


Taldryan Proconsul Report: First Clan

"Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terror. Victory in spite of pain. Victory in the face of defeat. Victory, however long and however hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no beard."

The Bearded Tome: Chapter 1, Verse 1

Today's report is a doozy. Some awesome things happened recently, and Taldryan rose up and kicked all the ass. I just want to thank you all again for making me as proud a leader as I could be in this club. You guys make this club amazing for me, so thank you for that. Anyways, onto the report.

Headlines that you need to Know

  • Taldryan wins Fading Light Overall
  • Social Media Has been Added to DJB.com
  • Mav got made into a Sith Lord
  • So many "new" Games.. Play all the Games!
  • Howie talks about things!


FL3 Results, and Fading Light Overall Results

The final results for Fading Light III have been released, and while Taldryan failed in its quest to go completely unbeaten in each round, we still put in a fantastic showing this time around. Taldryan accounted for 2 out of the 5 Gold Nova awarded, as well as taking home third place in 3 out of the 5 events. We continued out dominance of the fiction related field placing first and third, Howlader came up trumps proving that he really is the true master of google in trivia, and ben was our sole represenative in the puzzle event.

Not being mentioned in the medals though, were two of our most prolific members during this round: KAP Raistline Majere and JH Omega Kira. Both of these guys worked their asses off in gaming, and even though they didn't make it to the podium, their work deserves to be recognized, as do everyone else who participated in even ONE event throughout this competition. As Kevin Durant would say.. you da real MVPs.

Speaking of MVPs though, Fading Light 3 was the final in 3 Rounds of the... I guess we'll call it a Rite of Supremecy.. Fading Light.

In Rites of Supremecy, Clan Titles are awarded. These Clan Titles are purely for window dressing, but they represent one of the best claims a Clan in the Brotherhood can have: First Clan of the Brotherhood.

During the course of Fading Light, there were 7 events run. Taldryan won 4 of them. Of the 21 Placing Positions, Taldryan had over 1/3 of all placements. In this Rite of Supremecy, Taldryan achieved what we've been working toward over these long years... we regained the title that once, long ago, was referred to as simply "Our title."

We are once again the First Clan of the Brotherhood.

Make no mistake though, we won the event in a comprehensive and convincing matter: but we took our foot off the gas at the end. Plagueis' time as reigning Champion was short lived, and Arcona did not make it easy on us toward the end. We will see stiff competition for our title in the coming future. But for now? Celebrate our victory, and know that we are once again the biggest dog in the playground.

Congratulations Taldryan.

Also deserving congratulations are two of our members: Aidan Kincaid (aka Shadow) and Halcyon Rokir Taldrya. These men were spectacular throughout the entire event, and have been named First and Second Heroes of Fading Light.


Let's Get Social

As many of you know, I have been appointed to be the Brotherhood's Recruitment Tribune. While I promise this will not affect my dedication to Taldryan in the slightest, it will mean that my attention is slightly more divided, especially in the coming months, as I start implementing the new Social Media and Recruitment Strategies I have planned for the Brotherhood. The first step in those strategies was implemented today with the help of James. Thanks to his extremely hard work, we now have social media and sharing buttons up on the main page, so make sure you go Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and +1 us on Google!

Annnnd if you happen to see any cool news stories you like, be sure to share them with your friends!


Sith Lord Telaris Cantor

The bestowing of the title Sith Lord is a rare honour in the Brotherhood. Very few members have earned the honour, and almost all of them who have have been paragons of what it means to be an amazing contributor to the DB, not just for your own gain, but for the good of the Club.

Telaris "Mav" Taldrya Cantor recently joined their number.

Now, Mav is one of my best friends in the Club, and I've known him since forever... so I know his virtues better than most. I just want to share my congratulations to him here, on behalf of myself and all of Taldryan. Well done Mav.

But you still suck.


Play all the Games!

In recent news, LucasArts/Disney/Whatever released a new Mobile Tower Defense style game called Galactic Defense. The Fist has released a competition to celebrate it's launch. I personally can't actually play the thing yet, at least not until they tighten up the Android code of the thing so it'll run on my BlackBerry, but I loves me some Tower Defense games... so one day I'll play. Until then, you're all just going to have to defend those towers without me.

The old classics X-Wing and TIE Fighter were recently added to GoG.com, as well as a few other classic LucasArt's titles, so if you're feeling retro like a certain... well, Vast majority of our Summit, head on over there and check those out.

Also if you're lucky enough to own one of the Next Gen Consoles and have Destiny, it was just added as a Tier 2 Platform. Which means you can now get CFs for it!


Rollmaster’s Corner

Ladies, gentlemen, Taraxes. Welcome to a shortened Fading Light is over addition of the Corner!

First of all. Congratulations to Clan Taldryan on becoming the Brotherhood’s First Clan! Well done to all of you. Enjoy it! But don’t be a dick about it.

Second of all, I’d like to welcome (now) Novice DarkHuntress to Clan Taldryan. She’s joined her recruiter Omega in House Dinaari this morning, and has already started making her way through the trials to Dark Jedi Knight.

Third, I’d like to congratulate Serenla on her promotion to Jedi Hunter a week or so back. Well done!

Finally, Catmatui was released from being yelled at and pestered by me late last week, meaning that was promoted to Dark Jedi Knight! Congratulations to her, and well done!

Journeymen Activities

Below are the highlights of our journeymen (and women!) in the past few weeks!

  • Novice DarkHuntress completed Essentials 1: History, Essentials 2: Departments, and Essentials 3: Paths and Orders!
  • Jedi Hunter Serenla earned a Crescent with Topaz Star, earned 21 Clusters of Fire, one Pendant of Blood and completed the HTML Primer Shadow Academy course!
  • Jedi Hunter Omega Kira earned 128 Clusters of Fire, earned Dark Mavens in Philosophy, Web Design, and Web Scripting, as well as a Savant in programming!


Competition round up

As per usual, even though we just recently finished a Vendetta, there's always more to do in the DB. So if your competitive zeal has not yet fled you, check out these competitions!

Taldryan Hosted Competitions
Brotherhood Wide Competitions


That's it for this week folks. We're going to be taking a little break from anything too strenuous or serious in Tal, but you can expect to see an upswing in the short and fun competitions soon. Additionally, December will see the return of the Gatekeeper competitions, so there's that to look forward to. Those of you who have contacted me about working on various projects: I've not forgotten you, just give me a week or so to catch my breath, and we'll start getting to work.

Oh so Sexy

Catch me on Twitter

Love this report, dude.

And props to you for being awesome all-round!

And now? We do the dance of joy!

This report needs more comments.

And this is one.

More reports need to be like this, you're great, Yacks.


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