Taldryan Aedile Report: ACC One-Two-Three Baby


Taldryan Aedile Report: ACC One-Two-Three Baby

Greetings Folks,

The DB has damned well exploded with news posts and reports and updates over the past seven days. Time to wade into the fray, and get people updated with the rather insane amounts of goings on, in your weekly Aedile Report.

Space Bar, Bitches!

Headlines that you need to know

  • The ACC is Nearing Open Beta: Qualify Now
  • There's a round of AWOL Checks Approaching
  • The Justicar is seeking a new Left Hand of Justice
  • Taldryan and The DB are Invading Twitter
  • The (Apparently) Weekly Orvgasm: New Join Form and Comics!
  • Dark Council Reports & Star Wars News

Space Bar, Bitches!

The ACC is Nearing Open Beta: Qualify Now

Obviously one of the biggest pieces of news that has been circulating around the Dark Brotherhood, is that our Combat Master and his team of highly skilled associates is ever nearing completion of the long awaited Antei Combat Centre's Open Beta. Now, understand this, even though the ACC will be out and being used, my personal experience as a (only slight) participant in the Alpha version of the new iteration of the ACC is very much in flux. I think everyone's going to be really happy with the changes away from the insanely reference heavy style before, to a new more fluid and fun combat writing system.

I mention that it's in flux because this is a Beta. The Staff of the ACC are going to want your feedback. They're going to want to know when something breaks, when you're confused about something, when you think something could be clearer, and the coding team behind it is working double time to fix any errors they see. I'm not saying just go into it and bitch at these guys if you don't like something, but if you have questions or comments, they want to hear it. This is your chance to stand up and truly help and guide the DB's future as the ACC goes through its beta test. So let's get ready for it.

In order to qualify you need to complete two Shadow Academy Courses, the ACC Fundamentals Course and the ACC Qualification Exam. We've already got a few members in Taldryan who have qualified (Props to Shad, Alaris, Halc.. and well, Mav I guess) for that. If you have any questions about ACC Qualifications, or stuff like that, feel free to email me, and I'll make Shad you get some very knowledgeable answers about your questions (likely not from me personally :P)

Also again, I just really want to thank Mav and his team, as well as the coders for their hard work on this project. It's been just over a year since Shadow and Mav originally submitted their vision for the new ACC, and personally excited to see all the hard work come to fruition.

Space Bar, Bitches!

There's a round of AWOL Checks Approaching

Well, now that everyone is back from their Holidays and celebrations and what not, it's time to figure out just who the hell is still here. To that end, the Master At Arms has announced that there is going to be a new round of AWOL Checks beginning in this coming weekend. It's important to note that the AWOL Checks are now being run by automated systems, so emailing me or Rian isn't going to help you out. You need to head on over to the website and login in order to mark yourself as active and around.

Space Bar, Bitches!

The Justicar is seeking a new Left Hand of Justice

The Justicar has recently announced that our current Left Hand of Justice Teu's term of service is soon expiring. I join Taig in thanking Teu for her diligent service in the protection and defense of the Dark Covenant. However, the CoJ's loss of Teu's services opens up a position for members to apply to take part in the Chamber of Justice. Serving as a Hand of Justice is often a thankless job, and sometimes people get crapped on a lot for their willingness to serve, but if you think you're made of the sterner kind of stuff required for the gig, I encourage you to apply for it.

Applications should be mailed to the Justicar at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] before January 16th.

Space Bar, Bitches!

Taldryan and The DB are Invading Twitter

So, last week the Headmaster announced that some jackass earned a Scroll of Indoctrination for being a loudmouth and retweeting a whole bunch of the Dark Brotherhood's Tweets. This is in accordance with the DB's ongoing efforts to get more involved in the Social Media Sphere of this terrifying place we call the interwebs. Now, thanks to my job, I basically live on social media these days, so it's been an easy transition to start contributing to the DB's Twitter Feed.

Thankfully though, I've not been alone within Taldryan along these lines. I'd like to personally thank Halc, Howie and Kazmir for jumping behind the efforts as well. The amount of Star Wars and DB news that's flying around the twitterverse and ones carrying DB sponsored Hash Tags and links has been impressive. Thanks a lot for joining these efforts guys.

Taldryan, you'll be happy to know has also as a Unit joined the DB's Twitter Revolution. Head on over to @Taldryan on Twitter say hello, and maybe earn yourselves some shiny new medals too!

Space Bar, Bitches!

The (Apparently) Weekly Orvgasm: New Join Form and Comics!

So, not only did Orv commemorate the impending ACC Beta Opening in his own comedic way, he decided to let us in on some pretty cool stuff before it happened, which was the first step in the DB's Joining Process Revamp. Now, obviously, if you're reading this report, you're probably already a member of the Dark Brotherhood, and have almost no need to look at the join form ever again.

So why is it important and awesome that Orv let us in on this? Well first of all it got a chance to showcase some fantastic art he did for the page, as well as gives a glimpse as to what the DC is doing to help make sure the DB begins to grow and prosper once more. In case somehow you're unaware, the Star Wars Universe is about to enter another golden age, not seen since the heady days of the prequels. The DB is getting modernized and prettied up at just the right time to land a whole bunch of beautiful sailors on their ways to our exotic and Sithly shores.

The join form is one of the first things a potential new member, which means this revamp is hopefully going to go a long way to helping us get new recruits.

Space Bar, Bitches!

Dark Council Reports & Star Wars News

So, yea, this report is running a bit long, so where I was going to do a separate section for the bits and pieces of Star Wars News that was also posted to the main page, I'm just shoehorn them into the weekly round up of DC Reports.

Space Bar, Bitches!

And now the standard end of report reminder, there are always competitions going on in the DB. Head on over to the Competition Centre and see what tickles your fancy. The OFH is still hosting their Quickie - The Pazaak Table competition which is a great chance to chill out on IRC and earn some CF's while playing Star Warsy Black Jack with your fellow Tally's.

So get on out there, login to the site, and do all the things!

Oh so Sexy

Catch me on Twitter

Excellent report, Yacks!

/me circle jerks at Yacks

I should apply for LHoJ. (I should not.)

As always, awesome report.

All the ACC and Twitter!

Well done, my friend, well done.

Taldryan pwning the twitterverse.
I guess you can say, we're tweetho's

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