Ajunta Pall Aedile Report #11: Pickin' on the Pcon


Ajunta Pall Aedile Report #11: Pickin' on the Pcon



Hello everyone and welcome back to another HAP Aedile report! This one’s gonna be fun AND informative so strap in and don’t sit too close to the screen.

TV Dog


News and Events


GMRG/INQ/SA Activities

Wrathus -

  • Consular Legends Passed

  • Guardian Legends Passed

  • Sentinel Legends Passed

Areticus Altainatus -

  • Lightsaber Combat Passed

  • Martial Arts: Form Studies Passed

  • Gained Dark Savant in Tactics

  • SA Rank elevated to XII: Graduate (egregia cum laude)

  • Inquisitorius Rank elevated (twice) to V: Inquisitor

Azmodius Equesinfernum

  • Inquisitorius Rank elevated to VII: Inquisitor

Venom -

  • Dark Brotherhood Basics Passes

  • Comms 101, 102, 103 Passed

  • Gaming 101, 102, 103 Passed

  • Gained Dark Pundit in Essentials

  • Gained Dark Pundit in Vendetta



Aedile Moment

For this month’s “Aedile Moment” I wanted to focus on making competitions. While participating in comps is great and earns you shinies, so does running one, though I must admit it isn’t as easy. Running comps sets you apart from others and shows that you have the initiative and will to give back to your fellow Plaguians or DB members. If you’re looking to get into leadership, It’s a great way to get noticed by Senpai the Summit.

“But Az, What if there’s, like, a faffillion people that submit to my comp? Idk if I can sift through that many submissions on my own, man!” - Totally Groovy Plaguian

Well, First off, Chiiiill Winston… That’s what me, the other summit members, your master, and all your other Plagueis Pals™ are here for! We all get that it would be impossible to sift through a jiillion entries from peeps all over the DB in a matter of days. So here comes my number 1 most important tip to competition creation: Plan ahead. Make sure your comp ends sometime when you’ll have the time to work on grading. Got a business trip or an exam to study for, push it back a week.

If you’re thinking about doing a fiction comp, It’s totally fine to have someone help out, especially if it’s at the DB level where you run the risk of a gazillion entries. Az’s important competition creation tip number 2: Hit up some of your buddies and see if they’d wan’t in on the action. It also helps to coordinate with your fellow summit members to ensure that you run it at a good time (no other large scale events that could draw participation from your comp) and that you get all the hype your comp deserves. I mean, who doesn’t love seeing Laren in his cheerleader uniform? Just me? Ok, moving on.

Az’s important competition creation tip number 3: Have fun! I mean, It had to be one of them, right? Hah! Just kidding, but only a little. Make it an enjoyable experience for you as well. We all love Star Wars enough to be here and put up with that Laren guy so chances are you’ll get a few people who find the prompt, game, or puzzle as fun as you did when you tried it out. Oh tip number 4: Do the thing before you make the thing a competition. That one kind of ties in with the first rule, but still: always do the thing!

Lastly, after having a part in this Vacation on Dagobah event, I have to say It’s one of the best things I’ve done in the DB to date. Seeing everyone getting hyped over something you had a part in planning is incredibly rewarding and I just can’t say that enough. Now, go run some comps and see what I’m talkin ‘bout!

homer rules


Useful Competition Links



With that I'm going to bring this report to a close. You all did us a proud in the last event, keep it up in the next one ;) In the meantime, Run a few comps yourselves or maybe go check out some of the ones currently running. Oh! and before I forget, theres a couple new additions to the Az’s Important Tips for Competition Creation: If you do a crossword, write out the numbers or it will come out in numerical order. Unless your crossword actually comes out to Across: 1, 2, 3… Down: 1, 2, 3… and if you leave your VPN running, It takes FOREVER to do stuff on the site so don’t forget to turn it off before working on comps.

And in case you haven’t already seen, Laren (aka: Loren, Karen) Has earned himself a new beating stick and you’ll have to wait your turn as I just earned the first 3 beatings :P



Good report, though the Collective Chronicles container is running there aren't any running competitions onside it.

Classic Winston.

Great report! Something I have been looking to work on is my comp creation. I think it's really important to the health of the club.

We are the PP. I guess.

In all seriousness, great report, Az.

Awesome report, Az! Though I think Winston needs to be cut a little bit of slack.

Those are some cool looking competitions. I might give a few some of my time.

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