The Mother of All Fridges - October COU Rollmistress Report


The Mother of All Fridges - October COU Rollmistress Report


The Mother of All Fridges - October COU Rollmistress Report

Welcome to another Rollmistress report! I have so much great material to cover, so buckle up while I proudly showcase a truckload of Odan-Urr stuff. Some highlights include my thoughts on the Great Jedi War, an onslaught of member achievements and awards, member spotlight, and some thoughts from yours truly on Odan-Urr and writing together.

Let’s do this!


New Joins & Returning Members

Everyone join me in welcoming our of new and returning members to Odan-Urr. It is raining Odanites! Look out for them on Telegram and make them feel welcome. Bonus points for extra hugs!!

  • A Grey Jedi, Ti-kour to Hoth!
  • A Mercenary, Bale Andros to Hoth!
  • A Jedi, Zeline Nemesis to Satele Shan!
  • A Grey Jedi, Proselyte Porticus to Satele Shan!

Promotions and Awards!!

My favorite section by far, time to celebrate everyone’s achievements! Join me in giving a cheer and a well-earned pat on the back (aggressive hugs optional but suggested). Great job everyone!!!


  • Edgar Drachen awarded 2 Sapphire Blades and 3 Scrolls of Foundation!
  • Tamashi Adaephon Delat awarded a Grand Cross!
  • Ka Tarvitz awarded a Grand Cross!
  • Korroth awarded a Steel Cross and 3 Scrolls of Foundation!
  • Len Iode awarded a Steel Cross!
  • Jafits Skrumm awarded a Steel Cross!
  • Leocardio awarded an Anteian Cross!
  • Aaleeshah awarded an Anteian Cross!
  • Liam Torun-Urr awarded an Anteian Cross!
  • Keiji Suoh awarded an Anteian Cross!
  • Alifal Bav awarded a Dark Cross!
  • Livana Agrona awarded a Dark Cross!
  • Takota Okami awarded 5 Scrolls of Foundation!
  • Celevon Edraven Erinos awarded 4 Scrolls of Foundation!

Promotions: (so many Equites!)

  • Kenath Zoron to Equite 4 (Warden), extra hugs for this especially hard to reach rank!
  • Turel Sorenn to Equite 4 (Warden), extra hugs for this especially hard to reach rank!
  • Junazee to Equite 3 (Seer), extra hugs for this especially hard to reach rank!
  • Jasper Arlow to Equite 1 (Privateer), extra hugs for joining the Equites!
  • Droveth Kathera Vectivi to Equite 1 (PeaceKeeper), extra hugs for joining the Equites!
  • Greg to Journeyman 3 (Yeoman), almost there!
  • Hyle Alihandross to Journeyman 3 (Hunter), almost there!
  • Volksven to Journeyman 1 (Neophyte)!


Breaking News


It’s that time again everyone. The Great Jedi War is here and I am super excited about it. Like many of you, this will be my first Great Jedi War, but thankfully Odan-Urr has a lot of members who have been through this rodeo before and are fully willing to help their fellow clanmates. At a fundamental level, we all try our best at things we like to do and earn points for Odan-Urr in the process. There's even a full fictional story behind it, like the movies, that we can use for writing competitions.

This is a great opportunity and I hope all Odanites take advantage of it. Their will practically be a competition for everyone and so many people are going to be around for this big event. There are even group writing events, group gaming events, and possibly group multimedia events. Look out for details very, very soon. Remember, don’t be afraid to ask questions.

As such, I’d like to cover a few reminders I’d like to give everyone:

  • Take care of each other: Each and every Odanite that participates helps the team. If someone hasn’t participated yet, give them a hug and lend them a hand.
  • Do as many group events as possible. If you don’t have a group, let me know and I’ll find you a buddy. Alternatively, feel free to also reach out to our Consul, Proconsul, or your House leaders. We are here to help.
  • Masters, look out for your students throughout this war and help them be the best Odanite they can be!
  • Update your Possession Loadout and Character Sheet if you plan to do any writing. They will be required as part of your submission.
  • Use the resources given to us about the fictional story behind this huge event. A few are below but the main site page helps a lot. ^^

So go out there and have some fun. Be the best Odanite you can be!


Recent Reports

  • Odan-Urr Consul report out! Check out news from the red panda here! This is an old report but expect a new one soon!
  • Hoth Quaestor report out! Check out the news here!
  • Hoth Aedile report out! Check out the news here!
  • Hoth Wildcards report out! Check out the news here!
  • Satele Shan Joint Quaestor/Aedile report out! Check out the news here!


Alright, hold on tight. It’s bragging time!

Stars of Odan-Urr

I am pleased to announce our high-performing members within Odan-Urr. This could be because of either sheer volume or some particular accomplishments. Can’t find your name here? Feel free to reach out to me and I’ll help show you some ways to be the best member you can be. For now, I’ll just say to not forget that the Great Jedi War is upon us and will be worth lots of points. You can find competition information here. Always try to get in as many entries as you can!

Shadow Academy Stars:

  • Zeline Nemesis for the most Shadow Academy courses and 2 degrees earned!
  • Maximus Alvinius for a boatload of Shadow Academy courses and 5 degrees earned!
  • Mauro Wynter for 3 degrees earned and obtaining rank SA XII! (Welcome to the Club.)
  • Celevon Edraven Erinos for 3 degrees earned, courses, and obtaining rank SA XI! (Almost there.)

Gaming Stars:

  • Edgar Drachen for earning the most Pendants of Blood, many boatloads of clusters, placing third in a big gaming tournament for Odan-Urr (third place in Overwatch)!
  • C’ree for the most clusters!
  • Aiden Dru for 6 Pendants of Blood, boatloads of clusters, and winning several big gaming tournament for Odan-Urr (second place in big HotS tournament)!
  • Jafits Skrumm for a boatload of clusters,6 Pendants of Blood, and placing in a big HotS tournament for Odan-Urr!
  • Maximus Alvinius for many boatloads of clusters!
  • Turel Sorenn for a boatload of clusters!
  • Kenath Zoron for a boatload of clusters!
  • Leocardio for a boatload of clusters!
  • Junazee for a boatload of clusters!
  • Braylon Dorne for a boatload of clusters!

Writing Stars:

  • Hyle Alihandross for reaching INQ rank IV, having the second most Clusters of Ice, and tying for the most fiction competitions!
  • Maximus Alvinius for reaching INQ rank IX, having the most Clusters of Ice, and tying for the most fiction competitions!
  • Maximus Alvinius for reaching INQ rank IX, having the most Clusters of Ice, and tying for the most fiction competitions!
  • Yuki Suoh for having the third most Clusters of Ice!
  • Droveth Kathera Vectivi for lots of clusters!
  • Livana Agrona for lots of clusters and INQ rank IX!
  • Alifal Bav for lots of clusters!
  • Edgar Drachen for reaching INQ rank X!

Drawing Stars:

  • Bale Andros for dominating the Art 4 Arx competitions, having the most Clusters of Graphite, and participating in the most competitions!**
  • Kasula Daegella for placing in the Art 4 Arx competitions, having the second most Clusters of Graphite, and participating in lot of competitions!**
  • Droveth Kathera Vectivi for drawing in many competitions and grabing lots of clusters!**
  • Chrome for a bunch of clusters, but more importantly his banner for Satele Shan!**
  • Aaleeshah for a bunch of clusters!**
  • Tamashi Adaephon Delat for a bunch of clusters!**
  • Mauro Wynter for a bunch of clusters!**

Puzzle Stars:

  • Kenath Zoron for dominating puzzle competitions!
  • Akaarn Tayl’cor for excellent puzzle placements!

Recruitment Stars:

  • Maximus Alvinius for the recruiting of Zeline Nemesis!

Congratulations to all of you and keep it up!

Member Spotlight

We do so much more than just the numbers that are tracked on the website. We are a community and I’d like to take this time to show off some awesome things we’ve done as a Clan that don’t quite fit anywhere else. Remember when your parents displayed your art on the fridge? This is kinda like that except this entire report is the fridge and this is the place with all the real estate. Thank you for your contributions!! You make Odan-Urr so much fun.

Graphics from the latest graphics competitions: (SO MANY O.o)

Entries for ‘Odan-Urr Gift Baskets’ competition by the top 2 Odan-Urr artists. For descriptions, look here.


Description: First place gift basket for Satele Shan by Korroth


Description: Gift basket for all new/returning Odanites! by Maximus Alvinius

Entries for ‘Odan-Urr Shore Leave: Welcome Home!’ For the rest of the entries, check them out here


Description: Welcome meal by Aaleeshah. This welcome meal is for all newcomers to COU. Everyone gets a big pork cutlet bowl, a side of steamed rice, mochi ice cream and if they are of age, some unfiltered sake.

Entries for Odan-Urr wiki work! Not every picture could fit in this report but you can see all Kiast Royal Guard pictures here and even more logos here.


Description: Kiast Royal Guard Logo by Korroth


Description: Kiast Royal Guard Logo by Tamashi Delat


Description: Emblem of House Keldra by Korroth

Sketches of New Pretty Ships! There are lots so check the rest out here.


Description: Ship by Chrome. Complete with maneuvering thrusters in each direction for easy asteroid field piloting, rockets, and even a turret for those who dare follow you into the field.

Entries for ‘Art 4 Arx”


Description: The Sepulcher by Bale Andros

Bale Andros

Description: Iron Garage in the Sorasu Desert by Bale Andros

Kaesula Daegella

Description: Oasis by Kasula Daegella

Bale Andros

Description: Marches of Uskil by Bale Andros

Bale Andros

Description: Eos City by Bale Andros

Fiction: Feast your eyes on some of the latest fictions from your fellow Odanites! (So much to read!)

Other: For competitions that don’t fit in one neat bucket


Master-Student Program

Odan-Urr offers all its new and returning members membership in the Master-Student program. If you are interested, I will pair you with a more experienced member of the Clan to help guide you on your path to Knight and beyond. This is not only a great way to get to know the clan, but it offers a wealth of fictional opportunities. I encourage our younger members to request a master, and I encourage our more senior members to think about signing up to be a Master. This is just another way to give back to the Clan and help a new person along. If you’d like to sign up, simply send me a message on Telegram or give me an email!

Current Master-Student Pairings:


Rollmistress Projects

Upcoming/On hold until Great Jedi War finishes

  • Jedi Academy Training: Some new students and a few more lessons happened this last month, which made me very happy. So far I’ve got some very positive results and my students have had a lot of fun. Give it try! The only request I have is that you have fun and put some effort into trying to improve yourself. I can do the rest. Currently I do this adhoc, so reach out to me if you want to take advantage of this opportunity.

    • FUTURE Plans: Now that the Jedi Praxeum content has been created, I will be looking to do some team-based fights with everyone. Let me know if you are interested!
  • Zirael: Now that the Jedi Praxeum content is created, I’ll be taking a second look at this wiki page and look at establishing some lore. Stay tuned for an update next month!


Knights and Equites

Your journey doesn’t end at Knight, so therefore neither does my assistance. First and foremost, I want all Knights and above to know that if you have a question or if you need anything, then feel free to reach out to me. I am here to help. Second, from time to time there are projects to work on, which will help you either reach Equite or advance further in the Equite ranks. So keep that in mind.

Alright, October’s advice. This month I’d like to address the following question: “How do I breath life into my character again? I don’t know what to write.”

This comes into play with almost every writer at some point, even if you have a story in mind that you’d like to tell. Well, it turns out that there is a simple fix for this issue. You need to get out of your own head. It can be a suffocating place where you fail to leave the confines of an imaginary box you don’t even know exists. How do you do this? Friends!

The Dark Brotherhood (DB) is technically one very big story and we are all characters within it. Our characters interact with each other, even if we don’t write it. One can attempt to write in a vacuum but someone will eventually knock on your door to say hello. Open that door and you’ll find a refreshing breeze of new ideas, whether it be two people writing together or someone else writing your character in their own story. These moments allow you to see how someone else views and interprets your character and spurs ideas you might never have thought of.

Let’s discuss a concrete example. Once upon a time, there was lonely Sith named Blade Ta’var. I had a story in mind for her, including its ending. Then a brave Odanite named Alethia Archenksova came into her world and gave her bad guys to kill. This was all according to plan still, or so I thought. One day, Blade Ta’var got to do what I always wanted a Sith to do: wipe out the enemy. She destroyed a whole system and I was pleased to be following the path I had laid out for her. But wait! All of sudden the rest of the DB story and its characters starting interjecting itself in my perfectly ordered world. Big things changed, like her whole story arc. Then Bam! We have Aura Ta’var, wannabe Jedi Knight in Odan-urr.

If you would have asked me if I thought this possible at the beginning I would have said no. But it happened. I just couldn’t deny such interesting, great ideas for character development. I made them my own, even if it was someone else’s fiction. So, write with others and let them write your character. Talk with others about your characters. You might just be surprised how clear things become. A great place to do that is our own Odan-Urr chats, but also the Fiction chat. Check it out [here. - Log in to view join link]

Take the plunge with a friend!


Some Open Projects!: [On Hold until Great Jedi War Ends]

  • [Odan-Urr] Wiki Project Call for Volunteers. Reach out to Talis DeMorte if you are interested in helping update our clan wiki pages. You don’t have to wiki code. We need content help as well! Conveniently, there is also a competition out to accomplish this. Check it out here. This will score you major points towards a promotion or award and helps the Clan out a ton. Please consider taking part of this endeavour.

Useful Resources

Some useful links for everyone (will grow with time):


Well, another month or two has passed. We’ve done some great stuff so give yourselves a crisp high five. You all did a great job. As we look to the upcoming Great Jedi War, I feel confident that you will all do me proud. As always I’m here to help whenever you need anything. See you on the battlefield my friends. TO WAR!!

To an even brighter future, good work everyone!


Desktop Telegram

COU Chat


  • New Joins & Returning Members

  • Promotions and Awards

  • Breaking News

  • Stars of Odan-Urr

  • Member Spotlight

  • Master-Student Program

  • Rollmistress Projects

  • Knights and Equites

  • Useful Resources

  • Final Thoughts

~Signed with Pheromones


Great report Blade and good to see all the great things our members are doing.

Excellent Report!

Every time you do one of these I'm stunned by how talented our artists are. You guys rock.

I love the artwork! Also great work to all our members, new and veteran on their shinies and promotions. Get hyped about the war!

Wow ... colored me impressed. Awesome work everyone!

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