CNS Proconsul Report #6: A Year of Sadow


CNS Proconsul Report #6: A Year of Sadow


Well, it feels like we haven't been back here in some time, huh? After all the hype, the fanfare, the gaming, the struggles and the effort we put in, it has been a good season. While we fell short- and not by very much- of becoming the Third Clan of the Brotherhood, you all did very well. If it feels like I am very much using very very much, then let me reiterate how very excited I am at this very moment to bring you the very best in this very Clan's news. Verily.

Before anybody gets too angry I will freely admit that there has been a wee bit of a gap since my last report. There is no excuse, but I hope you lot will forgive us. We have been hard at work in the background while we await an update and some fiction from the Dark Council to bring us all up to date on the fictional results of our efforts- and little things like where the Collective stands on some different things. Lots of little stuff like that, you know?

I keep peeking up at my report, and I have to admit that I hoped it would a little less informal this time. There is still a little bit of wait before we can get things rolling properly- and we are working with your respective Summits and some folks above us- for the next exciting, big thing. So I hope that you get a chance to catch your breath and collect yourselves. Or at least don’t get too settled in. I am hoping we will continue our GJW momentum up a bit going into the next phase of our Clan’s history.

Without further ado, let’s get into this Proconsul Report!


Clan News

  • We just got a report from our comrade in arms and Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan, Aul.

  • House Marka Ragnos’ Quaestor also gave us a brief report hinting at story updates coming very soon.

  • The prologue fiction for Shar Dakhan’s Veiled Origins event was posted up. This was followed up by a second fictional update which certainly has me a bit excited.

  • Speaking of Veiled Origins, you can find the parent competition here. Go check it out.


The Brotherhood At Large

  • I hate to lose people, but House Odan-Urr is looking for a Rollmaster

  • Atra releases a new Combat Master Report, telling us about Venue reviews, hinting at changes to character sheets, briefly touching upon the implementation of armor in the ACC and dropping a bit of ACC tips for our members.

  • Dracpool has released this month’s Fist Report, chock full of stats, graphics and useful info for all the little lads and lasses of the Brotherhood.**

  • Ah yes, and there was the address by our Grand Master and the follow-up of said address.


The Year of Sadow

Last year, during the Great Jedi War I mentioned the phrase “keep up the SadowMentum” as a means to encourage our members. I do not think that it can be argued that you lot did not do just exactly that. Sure, there is that quiet point we are experiencing between Christmas and sometime after New Years, but your performance during the war was nothing short of spectacular. You all proved that Naga Sadow has more than a mere bark (and a Grand Master in our roster), but has the ability to fight and compete with the best of them. It was a bit of a sting, seeing us miss third by such a small margin, but I know it evoked in me a hunger to fight a bit harder, to play a bit fiercer.

To this end, we are now declaring 2018 to be the Year of Sadow. We are still waiting on fictional bits from the DC before we can push too far into our fictional developments, but I can assure you that the House Summits and the Clan Summit have been hard at work plotting how to give you all excellent opportunities to kick rear and to show just how awesome you lot are and can be! The Year of Sadow means that we will show the excellence of our Clan and our people. It means that we will display the power of our Clan. We will demonstrate what makes this the best home in the Brotherhood.


It is that time again. The First #askcns of 2018!

Drae'lath asks:

"Has the official fiction been approved by DC and Summit?"

In a word? No. However, the vast majority of details relevant to the DC have been more or less settled as needed with the appropriate DC member. We have been holding on in hopes of seeing the final fiction soon, but as Wally so kindly pointed out in our own Clan chat, it is not as though we are terribly held back at the moment.

Drae'lath also asks:

"When will said fiction be released?"

Which fiction? The closing fiction? Or the Story Development fiction for the Clan? The next fiction for House Shar Dakhan? Or do you mean House Marka Ragnos? Or is this about my own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfiction? Well, good news, the answer is the same for all of the above!


Extraneous joking aside- on a serious note- it should be soon...

Finally, Drae'lath also inquiries:

"<Points at Bentre's shoes>....what are those!?"

<Bentre looks down.>


Syntari asks:

"What ideas does Summit have to bring interest back to Clan members?"

There is that saying "variety is the spice of life". That is a part of what we are wanting to do. The return of gaming nights, Google Hangouts, trivia, events which tie more into a lore that you all live and have a direct effect upon- these are a few things. I had mentioned above about the whole Year of Sadow bit, and that is a large part of what we are trying to accomplish. Lore and history should be something more than what some folks did ten or fifteen years ago, it should be a growing, evolving thing. More than helping our members to 'own' their part of our expanding lore, we want to break from the monotonous cycle we have found ourselves in. Part of our plans for 2018 are to shake up things from the same old, same old.

Ashia asks:

"What plans does the current summit have to train up future leaders?"

The brass tacks of leadership training occurs a lot on the House level. That isn't to say that we sit around, though. Sang and I have got a number of folks earmarked. We try to give these folks things to do to help them further develop their leadership skills. I know that I for one am always keeping an eye out for folks who demonstrate a particular mindset for leadership and try to encourage them to at least consider such a possible future. I have been rebuffed by some who have no real interest, or little interest in doing so. It kind of becomes one of those leading a horse to water sort of things- at least in my experience.

My eventual plan- which I need to figure out the exact how of it- is to offer a sort of leadership training program. I know it seemed that in past positions such as Battleteam Leader, Aedile, ect seemed to serve as a stepping stone up to other opportunities, but that is a limiting response for our sub unit. Sang and I are both here to help facilitate folks, to help you all collectively to become greater than you expect even of yourselves.

As ever, if a person has a particular interest in possibly serving in a leadership position- who lacks and desires experience in an area- may feel free to hit me or the Consul up. As I see it, helping you all to have fun, to succeed, and more even to excel is as much a part of the job as all those administrative things that are part of being a Proconsul.

Mactire asks:

"Can we have another planet election leader type event?"

We could potentially. I don't really seeing it working out so well on a Clan level though, so I think I would have to say not at this moment, no. That isn't to say we couldn't do such a thing in future. Rather, that sort of event has proven in past to work better being run by the Houses.

I did enjoy the House events I saw for this sort of thing (though I don't remember taking part for some reason and hope that others will feel encouraged or emboldened to do interesting sorts of things like this. That being said, I don't see it fitting in so well with our intended fiction direct anytime too soon. Still, if you or others can think of a way to bring the spirit of such an event to a House or Clan in a new or interesting well, talk with Sang and myself and we can at least consider it!

Kojiro asks:

"What stories are going to unfold for CNS after the War?"

Well, Sang and I are of a similar mindset on this point. Which is good, as we work together and all. The start will be with our return to traditional Sadowan space. January will be an opportunity for the Houses to respond and then we will see the Clan taking off from the home turf for a bit. Where exactly things go from there will be largely dependent upon what happens fictionally from there.

I mean, we could put things on rails and we have some major points outlined we would like to visit, but it ultimately hinges on how Naga Sadow responds and reacts to civil warfare, shortages, and things like the change in political/power dynamics in the Brotherhood. To paraphrase an old Jedi Master, the future is hard to see as it is always in motion. We hope to hit our particular points but there will be a certain amount of flexibility. Either way, we are in for some exciting times.

Now, I will admit we could outline a bit of what we have in mind. I also know that we have talked with our respective Houses, and Marka Ragnos in particular has an interesting response/idea that I am looking forward to seeing play out. I can say that I have heard some interesting ideas so far from both Houses, but wouldn't giving folks a syllabus (of sorts) ruin some of the surprise and fun?

That isn't to say that we won't be talking more about this in the coming weeks. It is just more of at the moment we are allowing our Houses to develop their own stories which will tie into and effect the storyline that we have been plotting. No narrative occurs in a vacuum. Well, not any believable narrative. Which sounds kind of funny to say when I remember that this is Star Wars, but I am getting off subject now.

We want to hit on a greater variety and range of events than what would start to feel like a rehash of old storytelling grounds. More details to come. Actually, I believe that Sang's Consul report will be speaking on that in greater detail. So stay tuned!


Closing Words

2018 is a year of opportunity. It can be a year of change. After seeing how well we have done for ourselves throughout 2017, I can only see things getting better for Clan Naga Sadow. As we see the release of the final fiction from the War, we will be able to move forward quickly with planned fictional developments, reach new vistas and new heights, and create new opportunities for all the lads and lasses of our Clan. Most of all, though, it will mean even more chances for you all to prove you are as awesome as we all believe you are.

A Happy New Year to you all. I hope that the holiday season found you and yours well. May the Force be with you all. I fully expect we will have more to report soon as some things come to light. If I were to be perfectly honest, I am beside myself trying to keep shushed about some of the plans being cooked up. I just hope that everybody will enjoy things as much as our Summits on both House and Clan levels hope.

As always, stay awesome, CNS.

In Darkness, In Service, in Sadow,


Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow

I have to say I'm really excited for this upcoming storyline.

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