House Tyranus Report #4: March Onwards!


House Tyranus Report #4: March Onwards!



I know what you’re all thinking, damn that header is looking fine. I agree and for that I’d like to thank our wonderful Herald and former Consul Selika/Slags. This month on House Tyranus Report. We take a look into the activity of Tyrants in the past month. A Fistful of Credits has ended, stay tuned for more on that. We’ll also take a look at the competitions currently available and the news posts out there vying for your attention before tying everything together at the end.


Tyranus Activity Spotlight

A bit of a quiet month, but with the shorter month than usual and the feud results aiming to be out next week, I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more when April comes around.


A Fistful of Credits

A Fistful of Credits, our Feud with Clan Vizsla has now ended, now the leadership’s attention turns to evaluating the feud. We don’t have too much to go on with placements yet to be decided but the key stat we do have is 77 submissions from 17 unique members. This amount of member engagement is awesome to see and I hope we can provide you with more opportunities to show just how awesome you guys are. Special congratulations go out to Andrelious and Khryso for submitting to all of the bins.


Comps, Comps, Comps!

  • Tenixir Prison Break A small-scale event that progresses the Brotherhood’s storyline towards the next Great Jedi War.

  • Return of the Rise of Tal Trivia Vodo from Tal is hosting a trivia event at 5PM EST on the day this report goes up. Expect this to be mentioned in our clan chat closer to the time.

  • March GMRG comps A series of gaming competitions run by the FIST and his staff.

These are just a few competitions, to see the full list check out the competitions page.


Notable News From Around The Club



That’s all from the Tyranus Citadel for this month, though tomorrow is a very special day in the Plagueian calendar if you know what I’m saying nudge, nudge, wink, wink. I look forward to seeing the results from the feud when they’re ready. I look forward to seeing how you guys turn out for the Prison Break event. Also, just a reminder, you guys can always reach out to me if you have an idea for something, you want another pair of eyes on a comp or something. I have some ideas of my own in mind for our splendid house and I’m excited to get to work on it. This has been your monthly Tyranus report, see you when I see you.


I approve the pun.


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