[HQD Summit Report]: The Loneliest Lek


[HQD Summit Report]: The Loneliest Lek



A Message from the Quaestor

Hallo my lektastic Qel-Dromites!

Thank you all for your excellent submissions to the Port Ol’val reconstruction effort! I think we have some solid material for fleshing out our HQ! Of course, more will come later, along with comps focusing on the other parts of Ol’val.

I would also like to take this moment to thank Alaisy for her service as Aedile of House Qel-Droma, and wish her all the best in her future endeavors! She’ll still be around and active, so don’t fret, your Shiny Sith will still remain at large. Probably in an alchemical lab much too close to you for comfort.

On a completely different note, how excited are you about the new ship customizations? Because I am! And I think your Horny Captain has plans for the Voidbreaker, so expect a Sauna module being officially added to the ship’s profile. (What do you mean there’s no Sauna module in the shop?! Time to go talk with the Regent, I guess…)

Hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the RP activity going on. Hopefully, there will be something major on the DJB level taking place in the not-too-distant future, in a galaxy far far away.

Signed, Your Lekhead

A Message from the Aedile


Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. House Fiction Update
  3. News
  4. Awards, Promotions and Transfers
  5. Crescent Leaderboard
  6. Competitions
  7. Ask the Lekhead and the Shiny Sith
  8. In Closing...


House Fiction Update

Port Ol’val
38 ABY

Finally! He’d been itching for this moment, and now he finally had the chance to exact his revenge. Geldi suppressed the urge to scratch at the stump of his right arm as he made his way towards a secluded warehouse at the edges of his dwindling turf, escorted by a handful of his finest.

It had taken them some doing, but they’d managed to capture the Rat, the Zabraki schutta who’d sliced off his arm mere weeks ago. Now, he could finally exact some long overdue revenge and send a message to the so-called ‘Blind Man’ that the Dawn Conclave was far from beaten! Once they received the bloody picts of the horn-headed woman, they’d think twice about sending their lackeys into his domain.

The door to the warehouse opened with a hiss, an almost Wookiee-sized Togorian stepping aside to allow his passage, before resuming his guard by the entrance after his security had joined him. A cloaked agent awaited his arrival, the Zabraki woman tied to a durasteel chair with electrocuffs wrapped around her ankles and wrists. She wasn’t going anywhere.

“Ah, we meet again, Rat,” Geldi gloated, flashing a set of predatory teeth as he let his disguise melt away. The Human who’d entered soon shed the last remains of his soft skin and clear blue eyes, exposing the clammy pale green skin and sickly yellow irises of a Clawdite.

The bloodied Zabrak raised her head towards him, defiant even through her bruised lips and swollen eyelid.

“Missed me that much, Geldi?” Sera Kaern spat back, quite literally.

He side-stepped the propelled phlegm with ease, closing the distance and delivering a sharp jab with his remaining arm into her gut. The Zabrak grunted, but did not flinch.

“I’m going to enjoy this,” he hissed into her ear.

You can read the rest of the fiction here.



Arcona News
  • So. Many. Awards! Congratulektions to you all, you magnificent sausages! So proud of you all! <3

  • Aru Law: Anteian Cross

  • Karran Val’teo: Steel Cross

  • Sulith Bekett: Steel Cross

  • Sera Kaern: Anteian Cross

  • Alaisy Tir’eivra: Sapphire Blade

  • In less amazing news, Alaisy has stepped down from her post as Aedile. Arcona thanks for her service and we are looking forward to seeing her around in summoning circles around Dajorra. This means we are Now Hiring!

DB Wide Updates


Awards, Promotions and Transfers

And now, for the Crescent list!

Marick Tyris

  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 3 Crescents with Emerald Star
  • 6 Clusters of Ice
  • 7 Clusters of Graphite

Tali Sroka

  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Cluster of Fire
  • 9 Clusters of Ice
  • 2 Clusters of Graphite

Aru Law

  • Anteian Cross (Hi-lek!)
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 3 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Cluster of Fire
  • 4 Cluster of Ice
  • 4 Cluster of Graphite

Karran Val’teo

  • Steel Cross (Congratulektions!)
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
  • 7 Cluster of Fire
  • 12 Clusters of Ice (Impressive!)
  • 4 Clusters of Graphite

Sulith Bekett (formerly known as Eilen)

  • Steel Cross (WOOO!)
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 2 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
  • 3 Clusters of Fire
  • 4 Clusters of Ice
  • 2 Clusters of Graphite
  • 1 Scroll of Indoctrination

Sera Kaern

  • Anteian Cross (You earned it!)
  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 2 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
  • 1 Cluster of Fire
  • 25 Cluster of Ice (Bestprentice!)
  • 4 Cluster of Graphite

Alaisy Tir’eivra

  • Sapphire Blade (AMAZING!!!)
  • 1 Crescent with Diamond Star
  • 3 Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 2 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star
  • 1 Cluster of ICe
  • 58 Cluster of Earth (Whoa!)
  • 5 Cluster of Graphite


  • 1 Crescent with Topaz Star

Emere Galo

  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 2 Cluster of Graphite


  • 1 Cluster of Ice
  • 2 Clusters of Graphite

Klyn Jaxx

  • 2 Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 1 Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 2 Cluster of Ice

Zaric Jarard

  • 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star (Yus!)


  • 1 Cluster of Ice (Nice!)


Crescent Leaderboard

Below you will find the numbers used to determine the scoring and the leaderboard itself.
If you don’t want to be featured in the Crescent Leaderboard, let your House leadership know.

  • Diamond: 7
  • Ruby: 6
  • Amethyst: 5
  • Sapphire: 4
  • Emerald: 3
  • Topaz: 2
  • Quartz: 1
Member   Points
Alaisy 37
Sulith 18
Klyn 17
Aru 16
Sera 15
Karran 14
Emere 5
Zaric 5
Tali 4
Riverche 2

Whoa! This was one serious month of activity from you guys and gals! Alaisy absolutely rocked it with an eye-watering 37 points! With Sulith, Klyn, Aru, Sera and Karran all following in a one-point-difference conga line! Absolutely lektastic! We also saw our newcomer, Zaric pick up his first Crescent, so welcome to the leaderboards!





  • The Horny Captain asks:

    • ...how lonely?
      • Tali: “Very, but not lonely enough to be desperate. Just yet…
  • Leeadra Halcyon asks:

    • Would you like a new lek-friend?
      • Tali: “Yes please! Applications for Aedile happily acceptedt! Check out the announcement!”


In Closing…

Thank you for an absolutely amazing month of activity, you guys! And thank you Alaisy for your service. I couldn’t have asked for a better second in command. I wish you all the best in terms of moving and dealing with renovations and such. Oh, and hopefully you’ll find what you were looking for on Dathomir…

As always, if you have concerns, ideas, recommendations or a general need to chat, we are always here for you. Whether on TG (@tali_sroka) and or email.


The Lekhead


Yes, I was indeed delighted! Great report!

Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for leaving the post so soon. I've gained some valuable experience from being Aedile for the last three or so months. 2020 has been busy as hell from the moment it started and its important for me to seize some opportunities that are coming up soon. Its less about time and more of a mind space thing.

Regardless, awesome report and great work on the fiction Tali. I hope you get yourself a new Aedile that works in tandem with you soon!

Thank you, Alaisy, for your hard work and dedication.

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