[HQD]: Better Lek Than Never


[HQD]: Better Lek Than Never



A Message from the Quaestor

Hallo, my lektacular Qel-Dromnians!

Winter is coming! Or it may already be here. At least around my neck of the woods it’s snowing hard and I’ve yet to polish my skis! Need to get on that right quick and in a hurry.

As the year winds to a close, let us take a moment to reflect on the year’s passing. We had a major Vendetta, which you absolutely kicked ass in. We received new membership, who continue to kick ass with us. And we finally kicked enough ass fictionally to drive away any potential threats from Ol’val.

All in all, I would say this has been an ass-tronomically excellent year for us!

As we settle in for the end-of-year festivities both fictional and real, I hope you all had a lovely 41 ABY and an will have an even more awesomer 42 ABY! No spoilers, but I hear it may hold the answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

Signed, Your Lekhead

A Message from the Aedile

Heeeellllloooo Qel-Dromians!

I do apologize for the lack of communication and other things from me. I am going through something in real life but things are looking up! I should be back on track and climb that higher ground no problem!

Hee hee, get it? Higher- Never mind.

Signed, whyiscomingupanicknameishard

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. House Fiction Update
  3. News
  4. Awards, Promotions and Transfers
  5. Crescent Leaderboard
  6. Competitions
  7. In Closing...


House Fiction Update

Wispor System
Hutt Space
41 ABY

“As representative of House Huyn and on behalf of all of Wispor, I formally declare this embassy open!” Prince Rego Huyn’s practiced smile did not flinch, even in the face of the dizzying flashes of holopicts, the record droids buzzing precariously close to his personal space.

A chorus of polite clapping, murmuring, and even a few scandalously jubilant hoots sounded from the gathered throng of Wispor’s upper crust. Old credits from even older houses rubbed shoulders with what could only be thinly veiled spymasters and military attachés in a swirling concoction of intrigue that reeked of wine, perfume, and Hutt.

Watching the proceedings from the sidelines, with a gravity well of a lesser moon, his eminence Pribba Chaba Besadii gorged himself on complementary paddy frogs. His normal level of gluttony further elevated to maintain his measured composure.

“These upstarts think they can muscle in onto my turf? **My turf?!

Pribba jabbed a stumpy hand into the bucket of squeaking paddy frogs, squeezing his digits around the unluckiest of the lot and raising its squealing form towards his gaping gullet. Grayed striations of what had once been vibrant black ran down the sides of his body, mingling like daggers against the oil slick verdigris of his skin. His glowing eyes, mismatched as they were with one a burning ember and the other a milky white, nailed to the back of the purple Twi’lek politely shaking hands with local nobility.

A Twi’lek? Could one imagine? Back in the good old days, their kind had the decency to stay in bondage and do what they were told. All had gone to absolute hell ever since the Empire collapsed, and now the Severians were making overtures of—he stifled a bileful reflux—humanitarian aid? The Galaxy had gone mad.

His teeth descended upon the paddy frog like a dull guillotine, its death-squeak muffled by the wet crack of its pulverizing spine.

“Vehemently agreed, oh great Chaba,” a sniveling voice sounded beside him amidst the leathery flapping of floppy wings.

The Toydarian valet eagerly ascended to his master’s side, offering unprompted a triangular silver mask which Pribba soon reached for. Settling the mask over his twin-slitted nose, the Hutt inhaled deeply of the imported canister of Nal Huttan atmosphere, the pungent swamp fumes filling his ravaged lungs with invigorating potency.

“They think to come here and play games. My little sister should have dealt with them when they had the chance. Now these vermin think themselves exogorths, just because they got lucky. I will show them they are but petty mynocks in one’s maw.”

He reached for the bucket of squealing treats once more.

Read the rest of the Fiction here!


Arcona News

Awards, Promotions, Consul Report

  • Check out the most recent Consul report here!
DB Wide Updates


Awards, Promotions and Transfers

  • Terran Koul was awarded a Steel Cross!
  • Mune was awarded a Grand Cross!
  • Eleceos was awarded a Sapphire Blade!


Crescents, Clusters and the Awards!

Look! This is amazing! Yeaaa! War! What is it good for!?

….. Awards obviously.


  • 1 Diamond Crescent
  • 2 Amethyst Crescent
  • 4 Sapphire Crescent
  • 11 Clusters of Ice
  • 7 Scroll of Foundation (Foundational Member!)

Tali Sroka

  • 1 Ruby Crescent
  • 3 Clusters of Ice

Eilen Ru’Tyari

  • 9 Clusters of Ice


  • 1 Amethyst Crescent
  • 2 Sapphire Crescent
  • 1 Topaz Crescent
  • 8 Clusters of Ice

Doon Sulvir

  • 16 Clusters of Ice (Cooool!)


  • 3 Diamond Crescent (Whoa!)
  • 1 Topaz Crescent
  • 624 Clusters of Fire (Waat?!)
  • 91 Clusters of Ice (Shiver me timbers)


Crescent Leaderboard

Below you will find the numbers used to determine the scoring and the leaderboard itself.

With one month left to score, Eleceos is

If you don’t want to be featured in the Crescent Leaderboard, let your House leadership know.

  • Diamond: 7
  • Ruby: 6
  • Amethyst: 5
  • Sapphire: 4
  • Emerald: 3
  • Topaz: 2
  • Quartz: 1
Name October November December Placement
Eleceos 78 111 1st
Sagitta 38 61 2nd
Tali 34 40 3rd
Archian 8 23 4th
Wally 18 18 5th
Mune 11 11 6th
Doon 3 3 7th
Eilen 1 1 8th


Ooooh looky hereeee:



  • Asani was wondering:

    • ”How many kids do you plan on having?”
      • Sofila: "Two? Yea, I think two! If you heard the rumor about ten kids, I was extremely drunk, okay?"
      • Tali: “Erm… Let’s start vith the one andt see how ve feel about secondts…”
  • Bril was curious:

    • ”What are you most looking forward to now that you have this new position?”
      • Sofila: "Story making! Roleplaying, comps, you know, those kind of stuff! Honestly, my main goal is to make sure people have fun."
  • Eleceos why’ing:

    • ”Why? Just why? You know what you did… Why?”
      • Sofila: “I’m… I’m really confused? I haven’t done anything of late!”
      • Tali:¿Por qué no?
  • Marick mused:

    • Why not?”
      • Tali: “See, now that is the real question vorth asking!”
      • Sofila: “-blank stare-”
  • Archian asked:

    • ”Who?”
      • Tali: “Professor Plum.”
      • Sofila: “E-eh?”
    • ”Where?”
      • Tali: “In the Dining Room!”
      • Sofila: “A-are you alright? We’re at Port Ol’Val!”
    • ”Why?”
      • Tali: “Vith the Candlestick! No, vait, vrong question…”
      • Sofila: “Oh come on! What’s going on in here?”
    • ”Any eggs?”
      • Tali: “Err… Vhat kindt of eggs are you talking about? Something smells rotten about this question.”
      • Sofila: “Nope! We found them good homes!”
    • ”Who would you mount?”
      • Tali: “Please lay off the nog. You may not be Aedile anymore, but ve’re not even at Sithmas… Oh hi, Strong, didn’t see you there.
      • Sofila: “..... my… boyfriend? Is that what you meant? Oh suns, that’s not what you meant is it?”
    • ”With whom would you make scene from ‘Free Willy’?”
      • Tali: “Vith vhom? Err… Strong? Can blue men jump?”
      • Sofila: “With a purrigl! They are HUGE.”
    • ”What is your favourite Kaiju?”
      • Tali: “Hmm, I just found them today, but Garamon.”
      • Sofila: “Godzilla! I would take him hooooome. If I could find space…”
    • *”Which creature would you like to see as the Kaiju?”
      • Tali: “Porg.”
      • Sofila: “No. Absolutely not, Tali. No.”
    • *”Any plans for follow up connected to the Voidbreaker event?”
      • Tali: “It entirely dependts on vhether or not you all survive, or if ve’re going to have a somber mass-funeral.”
      • Sofila: “We’ll survive! We got plans and no funerals.”
    • *”Does Qel-Droma plan any Christmas event?”
      • Tali: “There are so many Sithmas andt Lifeday events plannedt, you’re spoiledt for choice.” But we may end up doing some RP unless there’s something Clan-wide thrown together.
    • *”Which creature would be your favorite Christmas gift?”
      • Tali: “Vell I’ve sat my eyes on something big andt blue…”
      • Sofila: “... well when you put it like that… uh. It’s private, thank you.”
    • *”Mulled Wine or Eggnog?”
      • Tali: “Vine, please. Eggnog makes me remember things.”
      • Sofila: “OOOOH EGGNOG!”
    • **More or less snow?”
      • Tali:More
      • Sofila: “Look at me and listen very closely. More.”
  • Atty inquired:

    • *”For Jenni, Foxen training Sof again when? What kind? You down for multiple small sessions of working through trauma with discipline?”
      • Jenni: I do want to do that thunderstorm idea! Just a chill kind of one! Just… need to find my energy back and dealing with IRL stuff!
    • *”Any worldbuilding thoughts?”
      • Tail: I believe we will continue to world-build back on Ol’val, even though adventures may take place outside it. I just want to give the old gal some breathing room after being set on fire, blown up, massacred, set on fire, invaded, forcibly policed, set on fire, and being crashed into by space ships foreign and domestic.
      • Sofila: “...evil laughter
    • *”Any excitement for future events like perhaps hunting fake gods or clapping back at the collective?”
      • Tail: “In response to not getting the attention ve deserve from the Besadii Hutts, I have decidedt ve vill cause problems on purpose.”
      • Sofila: “Oh no. I was not supposed to push the button?”

In Closing…

Since this is the last report for the year, even if January’s is still going to include reporting of your end-of-year activities, we wish you all happy holidays and a relaxing end of year celebration. And most importantly, a better New Year 42 ABY!


Purple Lek & Purple Hair



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