[HQD Summit Report]: Lektonic Movements


[HQD Summit Report]: Lektonic Movements



A Message from the Quaestor

Hallo, my lektastic Qel-Dromites!

Big changes have happened of late, some might even say tectonic, and I for one am excited to see it. Changes can be scary, of course. Meddling with ‘well enough’ is to invite the possibility of failure, but clinging to old ways of doing things can blind oneself to believe the old ways are always ‘well enough’ even when they are past their prime. Trust me, I enjoy Warhammer 40k enough to know about dogmatic worship of the olden ways…

Most exciting has been the official approval of Role Play as a club activity, and I think this holds great potential for us as a House! In the past, we’ve mainly told the House story via monthly fiction updates on Discourse, and occasional Events have allowed the House membership to participate and influence the story via Fiction and Graphics competitions.

However, this has presented us with the unenviable task of parsing together an official timeline based on all the awesome individual moments you’ve provided us with, and often this has meant leaving other moments on the editing room floor. As already tested with the conclusion of the Dawn Conclave -arc, and the blowing up of the Nova, we hope to utilize Role Play to tell our common story and weave the official narrative all in one go.

Hopefully, this will allow you all to feel more connected with our shared story threads and influence how things pan out. I’d also highly recommend you provide your House Summit with your own ideas for future RPs. We can’t guarantee that we’ll run them “next week”, but we will definitely try to make them a reality. Weaving your characters into the House narrative, as well as into the narratives of each other, is in my humble opinion, the coolest aspect of this club.

Looking forward to rolling dice and slaying Krayt dragons with you all!

Signed, Your Lekhead

A Message from the Aedile

Hello fellow Qel-Dromans!

A lot has happened this month. The Discord change is going to happen and I know a change of this size can be quite daunting at first, but we’ll get through it like pros.

Also, there’s been some summit changes on Clan level so, new dynamics are in order for sure.

With the new RP society, our role play activities are about to be recognised! And also there’s gonna be changes to the ACC! You might be interested in those.

As always, stay safe and awesome!

Signed, The Local Gambler

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. House Fiction Update
  3. News
  4. Awards, Promotions and Transfers
  5. Crescent Leaderboard
  6. Competitions
  7. In Closing...


House Fiction Update

Port Ol’val
Dajorra sector
39 ABY

“I have to hand it to you, Renny, when you gave me those coordinates, I thought you were going soft in the head. No way is there a better place to sell our goods than Kessel, but—” the amicable trader paused to pat the breast pocket of his worn spacer jacket that clacked with the telltale sound of credit chits, “—when you’re right, you’re right, my friend.”

“I am glad you found the local exchange agreeable, Isey, but you might want to dial it down before we get back to the docks,” the cautious Kiffar replied. “I did tell you this place is not like most ports you visit.”

The Human gave a dismissive scoff. “I wasn’t born yesterday, but this place don’t look so bad. Down in the Wet Spot—”

“Blind Spot,” Renny corrected, with a sigh.

“—it was all hololights and cantinas, and the girls, don’t see outfits like that in the Core.”

“Need I remind you of your wedding band, Isey? I was your best man, after all,” the Kiffar tutted.

“Hey, you know me. No harm looking?”

The Kiffar merely shook his head, dreadlocks swaying over worn features that still creased in a weary smile. The Human’s enthusiasm was delightfully contagious.

The pair made their way from the glim and glam of the entertainment districts, through Jerem Plaza, and into the Ducts leading back to the docks. The sounds of music grew distant, the smell of sweat and recycled air replaced by humid rock and sand dust. Lumen strips lighted their way, hanging haphazardly from the ceiling of the smaller walkway Renny had chosen as their route. Port Ol’val never slept, but at this hour, he’d judged a less-used tunnel preferable to the main arteries.

Read the rest of the fiction here!



Arcona News

Awards, Promotions, Consul Report

  • We have a new Shadow Lord and this is their first report. Welcome Rhylance as our new evil scheming overlord!

  • Also congratulations to Q(yreia) for having been nominated PCON, except there’s a twist...

  • We namely have a new (placeholder) PCON! Go all say “Hewwow” to Atty in her first PCON report! She’ll handle the PCON duties until Galeres is ready to relinquish the Q.

  • Related to the above: Awesome work by both Zuza and Sven in utilizing this Discord trial period to successfully lobby an improvement to the new member experience! So proud!

  • For the latest fanfiction and memes, check out the previous Voidbreaker report!

DB Wide Updates
  • A firm reminder to you all that no matter your reasoning, cloning your account (creating a duplicate) is not allowed. You’ve got Alternative characters and NPC slots on your profile for a reason!

  • Roleplaying is now an officially supported activity! And that means it needs a new leader! Welcome our first ever Exarch, Arch! Find out their new plans here!

  • The ACC is also getting a revamp, to lower the barrier of entry. Get the deets in this CM Report.

  • The Regent has been busy this month, with some balance changes, followed by RoS Rewards being announced, and then immediately rebalanced.

  • The Voice has also been busy this month! We’ve got some new Traditions, a new competition series LOREFEST was launched, and Staff Applications were opened! Oh my!

  • Oh, and just as some tiny detail that I’ll just pack in here… We are trialing Discord as a replacement for Telegram! If you require any assistance on how to get onto the new platform (Discord), please be in contact with the House Summit (Tali, Aru, or Wally).


Awards, Promotions and Transfers

And now, for the Crescent list!

Mune Cinteroph
- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star

Edema Ruh-Kalinor
- 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 10 Clusters of Ice
- 3 Clusters of Graphite

Sven Rawioni
- 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star
- 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star
- 18 Clusters of Fire
- 29 Clusters of Earth
- 6 Clusters of Graphite

Sulith Bekett
- 2 Clusters of Ice
- 3 Clusters of Graphite

Aru Law
- 1 Crescent with Ruby Star
- 2 Clusters of Ice
- 15 Clusters of Graphite

L’ara Erinos
- 5 Clusters of Fire

Zuza Lottson
- 2 Crescents with Ruby Star


Crescent Leaderboard

Below you will find the numbers used to determine the scoring and the leaderboard itself.
If you don’t want to be featured in the Crescent Leaderboard, let your House leadership know.

  • Diamond: 7
  • Ruby: 6
  • Amethyst: 5
  • Sapphire: 4
  • Emerald: 3
  • Topaz: 2
  • Quartz: 1
Member   Points
Edema Ruh-Kalinor 15
Zuza Lottson 12
Sven Rawioni 9
Aru Law 6
Mune Cinteroph 5

A solid month of activity with a total of 9 Crescents for our House and many more Clusters!

Edema takes the first spot with 15 points, followed closely by Zuza with 12 points. In third place, we have Sven with 9 points. And closing the table, we have Aru and Mune with 6 and 5 points respectively.

Thank you all for another great month of activity and lets make it even better next month.

Blind Key

Edema takes home the Blind Key, this time keeping it all for herself. Apparently, sharing it with Archian wasn’t going according to whatever plans she had, so she took matters into her hands and made sure the key was hers this month.

Congratulations Edema and keep it up next month! Enjoy the Key.



  • With Ol’val secure from outside threats, it’s time to bring in some Law & Droma!
  • Our new Consul is looking for some new threads! Go help make him look Consul-y (or not)! Hurry!
  • So, what happens when bad jokes get out of hand? Dakimakura!
  • Wanted to design your own spaceship? Maybe you’re not 100% sold on the SW aesthetic alone? Well, here’s the crossover opportunity of a lifetime!
  • Stick it to the man in this mass-battle stickfigure comp! Stick ‘em up!
  • Wanna write some sad and traumatize people? Go, channel your inner Atty!
  • Had a hankering to do SW better than the paid screenwriters are Lucasfilm? Now’s your chance!
  • There is no hiding from the enemy within! That is why you need some introspection.



No questions this month! Only action! Find Karran, and bring him back!

In Closing…

New things are on the horizon! A new society, changes to the ACC, a new Consul and Proconsul, and (probably) a new chatting platform in the near future! What a time to be alive and a part of the DJB! I’m sure we’ll all make the best of these new opportunities, as we always do, while remembering that things are easiest to change while they are new. So, if you have any feedback to the people in charge, now is the best time to voice them, exactly like some of you already have! <3

As always, if you have concerns, ideas, feedback, recommendations or a general need to chat, we are always here for you. Whether on TG/Discord (@tali_sroka/KuyAurelian#4515, @AruLaw/Aru Law#0173) and or email.


The Lekhead & The Gambler


Woot woot! Sweet report, you two!

Strutting it.

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