House Ajunta Pall

House of Clan Plagueis
"A wolf doesn't concern himself with the opinion of a sheep."
About House Ajunta Pall

Ajunta Pall is a House within Clan Plagueis developed by Tra'an Reith and Alaris Jinn di Plagia after the Horizons Crisis in 30 ABY. Originally created as a Battleteam, Ajunta Pall became one of Plagueis's two Houses following the return to Clanhood.

By and large, the Dark Jedi of Ajunta Pall are used predominantly as the “shock-troopers” of the Battleteam and theoretically are used sparingly during combat. In practice, however, given the aggressive nature of most Dark Jedi, specifically those in Ajunta Pall, these Dark Jedi will most often be found on the front lines of any battle.

Displaying news 21 - 40 of 106 in total
Date Title Author Context
2018/05/10 House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #13: Thank god it's not Friday Dr. Giyana Jurro Quaestor
2018/04/20 Ajunta Pall Aedile Report #12 Azmodius Equesinfernum Aedile
2018/04/10 House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #12: Close Enough to Our Anniversary Dr. Giyana Jurro Quaestor
2018/03/10 House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #11: We're Near to a Year Dr. Giyana Jurro Quaestor
2018/02/21 Ajunta Pall Aedile Report #11: Pickin' on the Pcon Azmodius Equesinfernum Aedile
2018/02/10 House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #10: Back To Work Dr. Giyana Jurro Quaestor
2018/01/22 Aedile Report #10: Best Vacation Ever Azmodius Equesinfernum Aedile
2018/01/10 House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #9: Vacation Report Dr. Giyana Jurro Quaestor
2017/12/20 Aedile Report #9: Make Friends and Do Things Azmodius Equesinfernum Aedile
2017/12/10 House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #8: Post-War Report Dr. Giyana Jurro Quaestor
2017/11/22 Ajunta Pall Aedile Report #8: War Over, What Do? Azmodius Equesinfernum Aedile
2017/11/12 House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #7: Wartime Report Dr. Giyana Jurro Quaestor
2017/10/20 Ajunta Pall Aedile Report #7: Make War, Not Love Azmodius Equesinfernum Aedile
2017/10/10 House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #6:OMG that War thing is soon Dr. Giyana Jurro Quaestor
2017/09/21 Ajunta Pall Aedile Report #6: Whatever the Weather Azmodius Equesinfernum Aedile
2017/09/10 House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #5: The One With The Friends Style Sub-Title Dr. Giyana Jurro Quaestor
2017/08/21 Ajunta Pall Aedile Report #5: Pro Bowl Rock and Roll Azmodius Equesinfernum Aedile
2017/08/10 House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #4: The Summer Special (But not really) Dr. Giyana Jurro Quaestor
2017/07/21 Ajunta Pall Aedile Report #4: The Messenger Azmodius Equesinfernum Aedile
2017/07/10 House Ajunta Pall Quaestor Report #3: WAR!!! Or something Dr. Giyana Jurro Quaestor