[Taldryan] Consul Report 3.1


[Taldryan] Consul Report 3.1


Hello Taldryan and welcome to my latest report as Consul of your Clan. There has a lot happened since my last report so let's not waste any time and head right for it



Taldryan News

  • A new Knight, an Arrival and a Resignation: Just recently Greenfire has been promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight. Along Greenfire's promotion, Quanah Parklinear has joined the Clan. Lastly earlier this week, Alaris Jinn has resigned from his position as Proconsul of the Clan. So whenever you see them around, poke them and give them a shout out!

  • With Alaris resignation, Taldryan is in need of a new Proconsul, for this reason I will be opening the position to the whole Brotherhood. For any one interested, you should be familiar with the expectations and responsibilities of a Proconsul, leadership experience will be seen as advantage. More details will be discussed via mail. Send your application to my inbox no later than March 31 st and make sure to copy Mav and Vyr on your applications.

News from the Brotherhood

  • A new Grandmaster and Deputy Grandmaster: Just as everybody had already expected , our very own Mav has been appointed as the newest Grandmaster of the Brotherhood. As one of his first announcements, Mav has appointed Morgan B. Sorenn aka Vyr as his Deputy Grandmaster. I know both of them for quite a while know what they are capable of and for that I am quite exited on what they will have in mind for the future of the Brotherhood.

  • This too leaves some positions open to apply for: 1. Mav has re-opened the position of Recruitment Tribune and 2. with Vyr's appointement as Deputy Grandmaster, the seat of the Herald too needs to be filled again on the Dark Council. So everyone interested in these positions as well should take a closer look at the requirements and expectations of these positions and then apply to them.

Along this major news, there have been a some reports released from other Dark Counsil offices:

Last but not least and in thanks for his services to the Brotherhood, the former Grandmaster Pravus has been rewarded with his second Golden Lightsaber: A Second Golden Lightsaber for Pravus!


The first chapter of the [Caelus Chronicles – A Taldryan Story] Clan event has just finished and the results will be released soon in a different news post along the results of the Caelus-Chronicles Prologue: The moon that never sleeps Run-On and which will also give you a heads up on our current Influence and Alignment levels. However though the participation was below my expectations, the citizens of the Caelus-system are still hoping we could be the ones helping their government to restore peace to their system. So let's not dissapoint them and speed up our efforts in Chapter 2

Clan Fiction

Iosan Kagu Shi Research Facility

Already picking up a breathing mask and a flashlight from the tool locker, the operator was totally at his task, when he gave his colleague a reproachful look. “Thank you for offering to come with me, Dean.” the operator added, trying to install a bit of remorse into his colleague. “You know I can’t, even if I would want to come with you. Internal regulations require this station always to be manned with at least one of us, but I will follow your tracks on screen.” “Fine, I will be back in a few.” Then he left the station.

It would surely take him more than just a few minutes. The facility was quite large and even larger underground. Watching him as he walked through the corridors, switching from one screen to the other. He eventually arrived at the station controlling valve AA43. But what neither of them knew was that the valve had been totally ok after its last check during the day shift, nor did they know that the true reason that had caused the Wampa to be so aggressive was one of the men hiding in the shadows behind the operator now checking the valve. Even while his colleague watched in awe when the man rose from the shadows behind his colleague and friend, he couldn’t warn him as another man who had sneaked into the security station, choked him likewise from behind. When the man fell to the ground lifeless, and the black-clad man who had taken down the operator at the valvestation gave his ok, the one in the security station began working the controls of the station releasing the sleeping gas into the facility to take out any other being working there at night. s son Drayen was yet unable to uncover the leader of the criminals who called himself Vishes.

You can find the full fiction update here: In the Trenches

Caelus Chronicles

Chapter II: In the Trenches

Welcome to the second chapter of the Caelus Chronicles, this chapter will run until April, the 4 th and features three single competitions:

All competitions are live and remember the more of the competitions you participate in, the more Influence Points you will gain for the clan that will define how much control over the Caelus-system we will have at the end of the event.



Another month has come to an end, and here are the final standings for the recent four weeks:

Halcyon Rokir Taldrya

  • 2x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 3x Cluster of Ice

Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae

  • 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star

Andrelious Mimosa-Inahj

  • 2x Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 1x Crescent with Emerald Star
  • 1x Cluster of Fire
  • 20x Cluster of Ice

Rian Taldrya

  • 1x Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 3x Cluster of Graphite

Raistline Taldrya Majere

  • 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 164x Clusters of Earth
  • 1x Pendant of Blood

Alaris Jinn

  • 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 87x Cluster of Earth
  • 6x Pendant of Blood

Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj

  • 2x Cluster of Ice


  • 156x Clusters of Earth
  • 4x Pendant of Blood

Justinios Drake

  • 1x Crescent with Diamond Star
  • 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star
  • 10x Cluster of Fire
  • 172x Cluster of Earth

Ondur Lkeatur

  • 1x Crescent with Sapphire Star


  • 1x crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1x Crescent with Amethyst Star

Joe Durham

  • 4x Cluster of Ice

Good job everybody and congratulations on Raistline Taldrya Majere for snagging the Gatekeeper of Taldryan for the month the third time in a row. I wonder ill Raist continue being the Gatekeeper next time as well or will there be someone else stealing him the show,



Clan wide


Brotherhood wide







That's it once more, let's get going with the Caelus Chronicles and Justinios SRI Project events. Also if you'd wish to constribute to any of these events by helping the Clan Summit organizing one or more of the events, feel free to hit us up, same if you want to run a competition of your own. On this matter if you wish to run a competition themed into the Caelus-System, I am sure we can find ways to implement it into the Influence and Alignment scoring as Bonus events.

Lastly, if there is anything you would like to ask me or the rest of the summit, then too feel free to send us an e-mail or hit any of us up on telegram.

~Rian Taldrya

Son of Taldrya Consul of Taldryan


Good report Rian, thank you for all your work as Proconsul Alaris!

Excellent work as Proconsul Alaris. It was good to work with you briefly as a peer at Proconsul and glad that we still get to as Fist Staff.

Congratulations, Greenfire and welcome, Quanah! Also, thanks for all your work as Pcon, Alaris!

Welcome to the Clan, Quanah! And yay Greenfire!

Congrats to Greenfire. Alaris thanks for your service!

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